Chapter 41: We have a pool?

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Your POV

I have them go ahead of me. I stay back in Crocus, saying I'll find a different way home, I don't mess with transportation anymore, it makes me feel sick for hours now, not minutes. I begin my walk home, when I see an old woman pass by... Wait a second... I turn back, and see the woman smiling at me... No, it couldn't be...

You: "U-Ultear...?" I say, as I take a step towards her. She holds out her hand, still smiling at me. Then shakes her head. "W-why...? Y-you didn't have to..." I say, trying to hold back the tears, seeing the last piece of a once dear friend, now aged so much.

Ultear: "Go, be with your friends." And with that, she turns around, and walks away, my memories of Ur going with her. I turn back, and throw on a pair of sunglasses to hide my reddened eyes...

I continue my walk through the forest, and come upon a large clearing ahead, and hear, construction...? I walk into it, and see a village of... Exceeds? T-this must have been the Edolas Exceeds new home huh? I walk through it, catching many weird glances, but not one came up to me, until I recognize one. A pale yellow one, when he turns to me, I knew it.

???: "M-M/n...?" I smile, and go to a knee.

You: "In the flesh, old pal." He smiles, and runs to me, jumping into my arms.

???: "It's you! It's actually you! I knew I felt your power in Edolas!" I laugh and pet his head.

You: "Of course, you think I'd forget you Nol!?"

Nol: "No way! I knew you'd remember! Man! You've gotten really strong!" I laugh and stand back up; he flies up onto my shoulder.

You: "Yea, pretty cool, right?" He nods.

Nol: "So, where are you going? To slay a dragon!" I laugh and begin walking through the small bustling town.

You: "Nah, I'm heading back to my guild." I hear him gasp.

Nol: "You joined a guild!?" I nod and scratch his head.

You: "Yup. And, well, since your kind is now here in Earthland, I suppose we could team back up, right? I mean hell, there are 3 others in Fairy Tail already!" He jumps up and I see his wings appear.

Nol: "Really?!" I nod, and he begins zooming around, just as fast as he was back then. "I'm joining a guild! Just let me grab my things!" He zooms back into the town, then right back out, wearing his classic orange hat he had a fish in his paws.

You: "Ready?" He nods and lands on my shoulder, eating his fish. When I finally reach Magnolia, I look over and see his eyes sparkling.

Nol: "Wow! So pretty!" I chuckle lightly and walk into the town. Receiving more attention than I'd like with Nol being on my shoulder, waving and saying hi to everybody. I finally reach the new guild hall we'd gotten from winning the games. And walk into it, wow... This place was huge...

Mira: "Hey M/n! Oh my! And who's this cutie!?" He jumps off my shoulder and onto a nearby table, saluting her.

Nol: "I'm Nol! The mighty Exceed of M/n! here to join the Fairy Tail guild and become a wizard Miss!" I laugh as Mira giggles at him. She takes him to go get his stamp and I lie down in a booth along the wall. I let out a deep sigh and relax, so nice to relax. Honestly if I could I'd lounge around every day of my life. Then I hear someone talking about a pool. And instantly head out to it, stripping down to my boxers and jumping in. Ahhhhh... So refreshing... I lie in the pool for hours, just soaking up the sun, man, it felt nice. "Hey M/n!" I look over, and see Nol pointing to the new orange guild mark on his back. "Look! I'm an official member of Fairy Tail now!" I laugh and swim over to him.

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