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Valentina's POV

As I entered the kitchen, Enrico trailed me like a lost puppy. Cute. He's been acting like a lost puppy all day, perhaps overthinking his actions.

I began to clean up the messes that my family has made. I put the leftovers in the fridge and placed each dirty glass in the sink. Enrico stood in front of the sink, starting on the dishes.

There were flashbacks to the day Enrico and I cleaned his kitchen together. I shook my head and smiled half-heartedly.

Enrico washed the dishes, and I wiped and scrubbed the counters while, making sure to sweep the kitchen. After that, I helped Enrico in drying and putting away the dishes.

Except for the clatter of the dishes, it was entirely silent while we cleaned.

When the kitchen was spotless, I sat in one of the kitchen chairs. Enrico sat in front of me on the other end of the table.

He sighed deeply, and I smiled as I watched him beat himself up so badly.

Enrico cleared his throat and said, "I missed this."

I cocked my head, confused because we hadn't done anything. "Missed what?"

"This, spending time with you and cleaning with you." He stated, letting out a breathy laugh.

I cracked a half-smile at him. "There could have been more of these moments."

His expression fell as he rubbed his hands softly on his head. He appeared anxious, but that was entirely his fault. I couldn't help but feel guilty, though.

"Listen, Vale about that, I'm sorry. I know that's not enough and I know you want an explanation. I liked you. Well I still like you." He replied, softly observing my facial expressions as he looked up at me.

The unexpected news caused my eyes to widen. The Enrico Bernardi likes me, Valentina Morales?

I scoffed as I listened to the news, not believing a word he said. "Well, you have a unique way of showing it."

Enrico stood up and approached me. Because I was still seated, he towered over me. Even if I had been standing, he would have towered over me.

"I was a coward, Valentina. I took the easy way out and ran, and for that, I'm sorry. But I'll say it a million times if I have to. I like you." He stated this as he took my hand in his and rubbed little circles on it.

Still not convinced, I sighed and looked down.

"However, that isn't why I'm here. I want your forgiveness and a second chance." He stated.

Enrico placed two fingers under my chin, lifting it to reestablish eye contact.

My stomach fluttered with warmth as a result of his actions. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I missed him. He was great company, so it was hard not to miss him.

"Another chance at what? A sexual relationship?" I whispered.

"All of it, preziosa, but it's entirely up to you." Enrico remarked, letting out a short chuckle while letting go of my chin.

"I won't deny you orgasms this time to get you to agree." He added.

My cheeks flushed, causing me to look back down. As much as I wanted to say that I wouldn't mind that, I knew that I would scold myself later on.

I nodded my head. "I forgive you, Enrico, but give me time to think that over."

He took a step back and nodded his head.

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