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After a month flown by, I'm standing in front of my door, staring down at two massive black boxes. My brows wrinkled as I remembered my previous Amazon purchases.

I instantly chastised myself, knowing that Amazon boxes don't come in such elegant boxes. With that last thought, I picked up the boxes off the floor and pulled them into my apartment.

I shut and locked my door before placing the boxes on the counter. Each box had a dark red signature in the left hand corner. As I moved closer to it, I squinted my eyes.

In crimson ink, Enrico Bernardi's signature was written.

After seeing his signature, it didn't take a genius to figure out that these packages were from Rico.

I sighed as I opened the box, not prepared to see what was inside.

The garment was a long green gown with a slew of gems on the left side. The right side was fluffy and had an arm sleeve, whereas the left side had no sleeves.

The dress looked so exquisite, I didn't even want to touch it and place my oils on the precious material.

A note, just as elegant as the outfit, was tucked into the middle of the dress. I took the paper in my hands and gently opened it, eager to see what was in it.

"Dear Preziosa,

You asked to come to my charity event, and I made that happen. I bought you the dress and heels, and I hope you like them; if not, I can always return them or order a new pair.

I really hope you wear them.

From yours, Enrico Bernardi."

Heels? I thought to myself as I placed down the note.

I realized I hadn't opened the other box yet, so I reached for it and did so. The box did, in fact, contain heels.

They were black stiletto heels with jewels that looked like diamonds. The material was velvet and they were rather beautiful. Because the gown covered your feet, I was planning on wearing sandals or even sneakers.

But, since Enrico had already spent money on me and this outfit, I chose to wear them to the party.

I gently packed everything back into the boxes and dialed Enrico's number on my phone. As the phone rang, I was thinking about what I was going to say to him.

Enrico answered my call after two more rings. The phone was silent because neither of us said anything.

Well, I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to respond. Enrico's voice pierced my ear, jolting me out of my trance.

"Valentina? Are you there?" He asked, and I could hear the concern laced in his voice.

I scolded myself for making him so worried all the time. "Yes, Rico. I'm, uh fine."

As if he didn't believe me, he hummed into the phone.

"Preziosa, you hesitated. Now, tell me what's wrong," he said softly yet firmly.

"There's nothing wrong with Rico; I just got your gifts and I'm shocked. Enrico, I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you, they're beautiful." I told him, rubbing my temples, speechless.

On the other end of the line, Enrico chuckled "That's what got you so worked up, hm? I should gift you more."

"No!" I shouted on the phone, adding, "Enrico, these probably costed more than what's in my bank account!"

I was practically in tears when I guessed how much both of these items costed. I'm very sure the shoes could buy both me and my bank account. I couldn't possibly repay him for both of the gifts, let alone one.

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now