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It's been three months since the whole group went out to the karaoke bar. Since then, everything has been relatively smooth.

Luca and his man are still situating things out, which is understandable. Rome and Adira have been on multiple dates and appear to enjoy each others company. I've been an ear for both Rome and Adira, and they seem to be happy with where their relationship is going.

Sol is also good. Given that he and Enrico are surprisingly friends, I'm quite convinced he's moved on from me. Don't ask me how or why; they just are, and I'm pleased they don't have any issues with each other.

Enrico and I have never been better. We still go on dates, but he hasn't popped the 'girlfriend' question yet. I wasn't sure how I felt. We acted like a couple and did couple things.

Maybe I was just being extra, but I wanted a label. A real label. Not a label Enrico would use to scare off men that were interested in me.

I was frustrated at times, but I've kept my feelings to myself. Maybe he wasn't ready to be committed, but I was.

Lately, I could find myself getting upset or emotional about certain things. Things like anything Enrico would say that I wouldn't like, I'd become emotional.

My hormones are all over the place, and my period hasn't came in almost two months. Because I've always had irregular periods, I wasn't too concerned about it. But because Enrico and I have unprotected sex, I'm becoming worried about it. I have been taking Plan B, but there is always a slim chance things can go wrong.

I suppose this is the time to mention that I've been feeling ill in the mornings and after meals? It's been difficult for me to keep food down, and when I do, I feel nauseous.

Now, I'm not one to be in denial, but I believe I'm pregnant. Again, I don't know how I should feel.

Enrico won't even ask me to be his legitimate girlfriend, so what makes you think he'll want to have an entire child with me?

That is, if I am pregnant, which I am certain I am. Along with all the signs I'm feeling, my intuition is telling me that.

This is another reason why I am slightly freaking out. I felt like bawling, but I forced the tears back. Adira is coming over since she is literally the only girl friend I have. I was going to tell Luca, but he'd just hope I was pregnant so he could be an uncle.

That concept made me laugh, and I shook my head.

Adira is older than me and would give me great advice whether I was pregnant or not. She'd also buy all of the pregnancy tests, as well as donuts, because I was craving them.

I was becoming a bit impatient, so I was hoping she would arrive soon. My stomach was churning with nerves, and it seemed like the longer she took, the sicker I would become.

I groaned and plopped down on the living room couch. I needed to be distracted, so I turned on the television and switched it to Netflix. I chose to watch a family movie.

'Happy Feet' was the name of the movie I put on.

Despite the fact that I've seen this movie a million times, it has always been my favorite. Plus, the movie seemed to always put a smile on my face, which was just what I needed right now.

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