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I got into my car and slammed my head against the steering wheel. Today went well. I rolled my eyes, before starting my car.

As I drove, I began to reflect on all of the events that had happened today. Not only was I humiliated, but I also wasted a lovely gown. Then I met the famous Enrico, only to have him offer me his card after I turned him down.


Was this guy insane? His ego is enormous.

That isn't the only thing that's big.

With a giggle and a shake of my head, I rolled my eyes at my sour humor. When I arrived to my apartment, I changed into my pajamas and wiped off my makeup, calling it a night.

I'll wash my hair tomorrow.

Noting that I hadn't eaten at the restaurant, I pulled out my phone and ordered some dinner for myself.

Once I finished ordering my food, I clicked on the contacts app and phoned Luca's number. On the third ring, he answered and screamed into my ear, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"HOW'S THE DAT—wait, why are you home so early?" He questioned, making me laugh.

"Luca, I was stood up," I murmured, picturing the tremendous frown on his face.

"What do you mean?" Luca whispered. He seemed to be confused by what I've just said.

I repeated slowly over the phone, "Stood up as in the person didn't show up."

"I don't understand—" he begins, but I interrupted him.

"Luca, I told you I wasn't put out for this dating shit," I explained, letting out a big sigh. I couldn't say I blamed him. Luca tried everything he could to get me to go out, and he succeeded, but the guy pulled a low blow.

"However, don't let that dampen your mood," I advised. "You'll never guess who I spoke with today," I said. It was dead silent on the other end of the line.

"Hm, your ex?" I laughed into the phone as he guessed.

Of course he'd say that.

"No, I spoke with Enrico Bernardi," I answered, moving the phone away from my ear as he screamed.

"THE ENRICO BERNARDI?" Luca exclaims. I shake my head as he freaks out.

"Yes, Luca, and you won't believe what we talked about," I said, and he urged me into telling him about it.

I informed him about almost colliding into him and his arrogant reaction. When I told him about my responses, he chuckled. He yelled into the phone when I told him about his offer for a good time. He grumbled when I told him I declined the offer.

"I don't understand why you haven't accepted the offer. You're guaranteed a good time and, even better, will be satisfied. Even better, it's a one night stand. Isn't that a good thing?" He says, making me think.

What was it that I was so afraid of?

I knew why I was so apprehensive about becoming involved with this man deep down. He possessed the looks and had the charming character that would bring anyone to their knees.

What if I fell for him? Or started to like him?

I definitely had attachment issues. Which was one of the reasons why I held back on dating.

I knew he'd simply hit and run, so why not avoid some trouble? Knowing it was only Luca I was talking to, I opened up.

"What if I fall for him? I don't know Luca, he seems to have it all, plus he's also my type. One-night stands aren't something I'm really fond of." I explained to him, getting up after hearing the doorbell ring.

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now