𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦

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"West Philippine Sea" is the official designation by the Philippine government for eastern parts of the South China Sea that are included in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. The term is also sometimes incorrectly used to refer to the South China Sea as a whole.



Martial Law (M)
Philippines (M)
China (M)
North Korea (M)
America (M)
Katipunan (M)
Gregorio Del Pilar (M)
Perla (F)


- Obviously for narration

West Philippine Sea
- Dialogues in other languages; The POV's thought

West Philippine Sea
- Indication of who's POV is on; Strong feelings of the POV's thought

West Philippine Sea

- Narrator's dialogue in the middle of the first person's POV

West Philippine Sea
- Used for indicating a part from a document


Sorry, this took years. OMG. I forgot the whole plot since that day I asked what you know about the West Philippine Sea issue. But hey. IT'S HERE!

Credits to the picture I used in my book cover. The artist is familiar but I'm not sure huhu.

The warnings will be told in the chapters that has things the readers must be warned about.



I revised (or used?) some of her ideas :'D She has her own PART OF YOU book and SURPRISINGLY SHE UPDATED IT-

(Author's note update: Jun 16-22)


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Thank you for the patience...

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