╰┈➤ Chapter Two

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Martial. Who could that be?

The train I was riding on right now is silent. I had a moment to be just in my thought.

Expanding my territory has been my dream ever since I was a child. My ancestors did it well during their time. I must do it good too.

Yet, this martial must've been halting Philip in agreeing with me to take over his land and sea. Philip has never been that brave enough to disagree with me. He's weak. I can push him down the stairs. He couldn't fight back. But now... he's resisting.

Both of his land and sea are perfect to be my country's raw material resource. I am able to run businesses and investments if I have enough sources.

I might sound selfish. No, I'm not. I'm willing to help the Philip's people when they're under me. Unless... they fail to do their job.

If I failed to get what I want... ah, no.

I will never fail to get what I want.

The train stopped by a station. This is where my house is nearer. I help my brief case up and walked outside as the automatic door opened.

I feel really tired. Thinking exhausts me. Almost all of the strategies I did to convince Philip failed. I must do something with it.


For now, I want to rest. If I'm able to.

I got the keys of my apartment from the pocket of my leather jacket. Well, I have a mansion but... I prefer to be in a small space so that my thoughts won't get far from me. No need to interpret what I said.

I noticed my door has a small opening. Someone got inside.

I sighed. He came by here again.

I pushed it open and the smell of a cigarette welcomed me. This happens everytime he's here so, I got used to it. As I step in and look around, I saw Korea sitting on my sofa in front of his laptop placed on the center table. He just removed his cigarette from his mouth and our sight met.

"What brought you here?" I asked while I put down my case on the floor beside the sofa.

"I need internet."

"For what? Work?"

"'Ya. South's people became annoying. I wanna file a case against them."

I headed to my room just behind the sofa he's sitting on. "Don't you have your own internet in your place?" I removed my jacket from me and hang in by the door.

"Nah. I wanna be here."

That made me stop for a while and have a moment to feel my heart beating.

I am late to realize I wanted him here too. North Korea has been with me since our first year in high school. We grew up very close for we almost had the same type, hobbies to do and personality.

I went out of my room and wrapped my arms around Korea's neck. My hand rested on his chest. A certain feeling is driving me insane and do this to him. This happens when I'm so near him. I gave a light kiss on his cheek. And as he look back and remove the cigarette from him agaib, he kissed me on my lips. He faced back on his laptop and I sniffed his neck.

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