╰┈➤ Chapter Five

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[The next day...]

We, with Kuya Del, agreed to visit papa in his house today. He never left it even if mama was already gone. I bought a mocha cake for him. Del said he'll order spaghetti and carbonnara. I thought this is a great idea.

Right now, we are in Martial's car. I'm driving carefully, yet my brother made me feel stressed with his news!

"Wait. So, you told China about us?"

'Dude, that sounded like we're in a relationship and I told China-'

"But you really did?!"

'Yeeeeeeah, I did. I would've killed him but I can't.'

"Uh-huh. You cared for him more than our secret." My eyebrows were bunched together and stretched my lip to the side as I sigh.

'If I kill him, you'd be sent to the mental hospital again! That's what I thought! Why would you think I care for China more?! You're my brother!'


'Ha. Now, you're not believing me.'

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Well, you can just leave him there!" I shouted at him back.

'He saw me! He'll tell North Korea again that he saw me!'

"He wouldn't believe him anyway!"

'Ugh! Philip, why don't you just believe me?! Can't you feel what I feel?!'

"I'm just not convinced! Okay?! You told OUR enemy about my condition! Now, let's suffer with the consequence!"

'He promised he'll be worthy of my trust!'

I stepped on the break when I heard something strange from him. I was pulled to front then, leaned back to my seat.

"He did what?"

'He promised he'll be worthy of my trust.'

I laughed at it. I feel funny. "And you believed him?!"

'Well, he's honest that he came to help you. Why would I dou-'

"You doubted America and you didn't to China. How can you be this weird?!"

'Man, I haven't heard you talking like this. You doubted China. And you doubted me. Am I an enemy too?'

I scratched my forehead. I would've said no quick but... I'm afraid to offend him. I shall not talk to him like he hasn't helped me in my life.

I worry for myself... really. I am the host. I am the one who's suffering with the personality disorder. I worry that another alter might exist because of stress and fear of war. Because the psychologist said it's possible if my trauma was triggered again.

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