╰┈➤ Chapter Ten

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[9:37, Philippine Time]

I felt so light. I felt like... sleeping on a cloud. Am I sick?

I buried myself in the thick, soft blanket wrapped around me and would want to sleep longer. I have never slept in a place this cold again.

I slowly open my eyes. My sight was kind of blurry, so I rubbed them to clear my vision. It's still dark.

I just closed my eyes back.

. . .

. . .

Oh, wait. I don't have this kind of blanket.

I forced myself to sit up and felt the sudden headache as if I was hit by something hard. I pressed my eyes when I got dizzy too. I felt like this room is turning around me.

I began wondering where I am. Who the fuck brought me here? What happened before I got here?

It took me some time to feel a little better. It was loud around me, as I remember. It was nighttime too.

I furrowed my eyebrows when I felt something... strange on me. My skin is directly in contact with this blanket. I lifted the fabric to see if- Oh my fucking God, I am naked-

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Who did I sleep with?!

. . .


G-G-G-Gross! I slept with him?!

I shook my head. No, no, no. That's just my thought. That's just my thought. I only thought of that because I remembet being with China last night but no.

I put my foot down on the floor. It's heavy. It felt numb.

No, no. That thing didn't happen. No. I hit my head with my wrist just to remove all the dirty thoughts in it.

As I reach my clothes on the floor and try to wear them back on me despite my weakened legs, what happened last night are gradually coming back into my mind. Yes, I do remember I invited him to South Korea's bar to talk. We were in the crowd, partying with them.

That's all I can recall for now.

I can't remember being horny at that time for me to agree to have sex with anyone.

All I did is fun. But not that.

And what I knew, too, is that China didn't want to get drunk. That's why he stayed by the counter and watch over me instead. I trust him. Why the heck will he do something as disgusting as that to me?

I hissed. Auh. My butt kinda hurt. I ignored it.

To begin knowing where the hell I am, I searched around the room to find some clues.

I held on to anything I can hold onto while I look around. It's pretty dark here, I cannot see other colors. But the wall, I can say, is in the shade of red.

There's this cabinet nearby the bed. I waited for any noise from outside this room... but there's none. I pulled the drawer out. There were combs, clips, metallic necklaces, and other accessories in the first one. In the second drawer, there were bottles. Hairsprays, probably.

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