╰┈➤ Chapter Six

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"... The Nine-Dash Lines are gone."

This isn't a joke, right?!

I... I'm not dreaming. I can't be dreaming, right?!

I have both of my hands on the side of my head while I look straight at the TV with my widened eyes. "Martial Law, what did you do?!"

'What?! What happened?!'

"What did you do to China?! H-He's pulling the Nine-Dash line back! What did you tell him?!"

'Nothing! I-I only--'

"He wouldn't change his mind this fast if you hadn't told him anything! What did you do?!"

'I told him about my plan on befriending him?'

I covered my mouth. "Did he agree on that?"

'Well,' he paused for a second, 'he didn't tell if he agreed on it. He started asking me who I am after I told him that.'

I feel strange. What makes China change his mind like that?

Again. America said China will get what he wants whatever the cost... and now, he just gave up on them, the West Philippine Sea and the islands.


This can be his plan maybe.

China is smart. I shall not forget that.

I winced as a lot of thoughts came rushing into my head. I rubbed my fingers on my chin and narrowed my eyes. What is he planning? Manipulate us?

How the fuck can my brother trust my enemy that much? Is it really true China came to me to help last night? Is he really that convincing?

Hmm. China, you're getting better and better, huh?

"Phil, you're not done with your food!" Papa shouted from the table.

What if papa asked me about this? He never wanted me to be in a stronger country again. He kept reminding me to be careful about trusting. If I tell papa that Martial told China to be friends with him, he'll probably get mad at my brother, then hit him with a bamboo stick AND I'll go to the office with bruises again!

Why would I give the effort to explain if I can let Martial explain himself?

Tsk! I can feel I'm getting smarter too!

"Hey, Martial."

'I love it when you call me like I'm Google assistant.'

"Hey, uhm. Can you take over?"

'For what?'

"Weeeeell, you gotta explain papa about what you and China had discussed... without telling him I got drunk that night, please?"

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

"Why can't he just explain it himself? He knew the whole story anyway." I murmured to myself as I fix Phil's outfit before walking back to the kitchen to join papa and Del.

I smiled at my brother and dad as I sit down on Phil's seat.

Every time I take over Phil's consciousness in this house, I feel nervous. I prefer talking to them by telling Phil my reply, then he'll tell me what they'd like to say to me, but it's kinda tiring for Phil too.

I drank the water first. Then, I silently picked up the utensils. Yes, I made sure there'll be no sounds like cling-cling. I have been bonding with Phil's family for years since they found out I exist but... I still feel this nervous when I'm around them.

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