╰┈➤ Chapter Fifteen

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Many Time Skips

[This chapter isn't much important. I just wanted to ruin South and North :"3]

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[14 Hours Later,
10 AM in North Korea]

I fixed my tie and suit before going out of my room with a few guards with me.

I felt a lot more confident after knowing there are no citizens anymore in my country and only few in my military were left. I felt better than having many near me.

I received a letter of request from China to talk to him privately in my office. He said there we'd talk about something important. I was intrigued. It can be about cutting ties. So, I didn't hesitate to make his wish come true. He said privately though, but I still want to assure my security.

I arrived at my office.

And the pieces of me that I gathered in the previous days fell apart again after seeing South Korea with him.

I quickly lost myself. Every word that I prepared for this moment disappeared from my head.

South smiled at me and placed down a box on the table. He was about to run at me, "Hyeong!" [Brother!]

I stepped back before he even got near me. I tried to avoid him but he insisted on himself. He wrapped his arms around me tightly while I was pushing him away.

I became so annoyed that I gathered all my remaining strength to push him away as hard as I could. South slid on the floor. And looked back at me with a surprise.

How can he become surprised with my attitude? I have been like this since I started living miles away from him.

South Korea is annoying. I hate him for being such a capitalist. Too loud like the United States. There's nothing serious about him.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"You know what's wrong with me." I answered him seriously. I turned my glare at China. "Why did you bring him here? To brainwash me?"

"Oh, hyeong. I came here myself! I was worried for you!"

"I remember your words saying you don't see me as your brother anymore and now you're calling me that. I hate you."

"Wow. Instead of appreciating me, you're hating me more. How can you be worse?!"

"You know what. I'm not talking to you two anymore. I'm already drained."

As I turned my back, someone held my hand and pulled me back. It's China with his begging eyes.

"I came here to say sorry to you."

"I don't need it." I pulled my hand back and continued walking away.


[6 Days later]

"Sa-jang-nim, you haven't eaten your lunch and breakfast. Are you okay there?"

I heard the last private left in my military asked behind the door of my room.

Man, I feel so weak but I know that's because of my dumbness. I had no appetite to eat. I locked the door so no one could distract my peaceful moments. And now I'm slowly dying for sure.

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