╰┈➤ Chapter Four

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While waiting for China to wake up, I took wine from my refrigerator here in Phil's office. Yes, I did ask him to put one here so we won't bother going outside to buy one. I poured some into my glass, stood by the window behind the chair and drank the wine.

Manila is such a beautiful city. There are lights in every building and from the traffic. It's like the nearest view of stars at night. It is named after Phil, yet it is Metro Manila who's in charge of this place. Man, I remember doing sermons at Metro to make sure this place will be disciplined and well-organized since this is the capital of the country.

I sipped my beverage. Sweet and bitter, it is.

I started to think about what I should do to China now that he saw me again... for the second time. At least, I did worse. I almost shot him in the face. Years ago, I only punched him. I would've killed him. It is equivalent to finishing Phil's problem. Why am I this smart? Killing is indeed the answer. Ha!

But for now, I need to be chill. Or else, my brother will be sent to the mental hospital again because of me.

As I heard movement from the wooden Cleopatra chair, where I laid down China, I quickly turned back to face it. He is scratching his head, must be feeling dizzy. Good for him. He wasn't able to shout what he saw.

"Good evening."

I saw him get surprised as I speak.

I watched his eyes look down from my feet to my eyes. I can trace confusion on him. Therefore, China doesn't like undiscovered creatures. He fears them. I thought.

I sat down on the chair near the desk. "Please. Join me in a drink." I pointed at the bottle of wine placed on my desk. I also prepared him another glass.

I patiently waited for him to stand the fuck up and sit down in front of me. It annoys me to see someone who's scared-looking in front of me, while, when I'm gone, he has the guts to talk shit to my brother. China is secretly a prey.

I forced myself to kindly smile at him. I even poured him a glass of my delicious wine while keeping my eyes on him.

Multiple personality

A mental health condition
of having two or more
separate personalities...

"How are you feeling?" I asked while sliding the glass to him.

China looked at it for a moment before answering. "I'm... good."

I chuckled. "I don't expect you to be like that to me, Beijing China."

His eyes are avoiding mine. I wasn't even in my teasing-him stage yet. How cute.

"Why are you in that place? Were you invited?"

"N-No. I just passed by."


He sipped his drink. "I-I was just... I'm trying to help Philip."

I slammed my hand on the desk. "REALLY?!"

I heard him gasp. His eyes widened as hell and he almost stand up from his seat. He's damn surprised, a hundred per cent. That made me laugh at him as I leaned back on my chair. I saw him grip his glass. Oh, my God! This man will die in this room soon. "Sorry. Th-That was a joke." I said while stopping myself from laughing. I sighed. "Why are you feeling so tensed? I won't bite you."

"I-I must go-"

"No, no, no, no, no, no." I stopped him from standing up. "Stay."

He turned silent and sat back on his chair.

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