The No No Part

693 15 61

The climax.

I wanna be sorry if this won't be as satisfying as the other smut fanfics you have read. BUT I TRIED MY BEST.

Make your decisions wisely. This is not necessary to read. But, if you want, then go on UwU


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I parted away from his lips. I caressed them as Martial gives me a weak smile.

"Permission to take off your clothes, general," I teased, followed by a chuckle. Yes. I know he's one of the generals of the Philippine Army. I had stalked him before.

"Permission granted, mahal ko [my love]." His voice was airy. It made my insides shiver. I was pulled out of my mind by his voice that sticks like honey in my ears.

I crawled on the bed and went over him. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it and his white T-shirt from him. There was limited light in this room. I can barely see his body. His waist is way similar to what women have. Slim. Sexy.

Gosh, this feeling... I cannot deny it forever. I always feel alighted every time I see him. I become different when I'm with him. I think in an unusual way because of him. He's the coffee that softened me by his warmth.

Martial... Martial, I think I love you. You're the caffeine that makes me stay up all night. You're the aphrodisiac that turns me on.

I held his waist and pulled him closer to my hips. I bent down again to continue kissing him, deeply. I held his chin. He opened his lips for me, so I slid my tongue inside him and rubbed it against his. I caressed his warm face. I put my hand behind his neck and pulled him to make me go even deeper.

He hummed. He moaned. The best part is when he is breathing out my name.

I gave him a light kiss on his lips before parting away from him.

I went to his neck and planted my kisses and bites on it. My hand stayed on his face. My thumb went in her mouth and let him lick him. Man, his tongue's doing a good job, making me think this isn't his first time. I licked his neck and whispered in his ear, "Sir, I'd like to make you mine~"

"Th-Then, do, China~" he said softly.

I moved downwards and started
unbuckling his belt, unzipping his pants and pulling it from him together with his boxers. I grinned when I saw his erected member.

I leaned closer to it and gave it a lick.


I chuckled when I heard his reaction.

I teased him by licking its tip and Martial hums as a response. I looked up to him and saw him biting his lip and gripping on the bedsheets. I just smiled and went back to his member.

I sucked it whole and moved my head up and down as I rub my tongue against it. Martial wrapped his leg around me and was moaning as I did my move.

I held his legs and spread them apart. I began licking his hole and inserting my finger inside him. I smiled. I missed the tightness. I parted away when I thought he was stretched enough.

I pulled off my pants and discarded them on the floor. I watched him pant on my bed. Soft whines escape from his mouth.

I leaned back to him for another passionate kiss. Martial wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer. Why is he this needy? Has he ever wished this to happen to him?

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