╰┈➤ Chapter Eleven

391 13 35

[Minutes Later...]

"Can you stop crying? It's irritating me."

China sniffed. "S-Sorry."

I wasted five minutes on the couch across the one where China was sitting while watching him sob and cry. I kept myself silent, feeling really annoyed and thinking if I'm gonna regret sparing his life for the second time.

"Tell me what really happened last night." I went really serious and focused because I had to interpret the words that will come out from his mouth. It is so unbelievable that I and my brother are wrong about our suspicions.

Number 1, he isn't making an eye contact with me. He kept looking away.

"Y-Yo-You... You were i-in a- crowd..."

Number 2, the stuttering.

"I-I left you in the crowd! Then, wh-when I saw you drinking so bad, I tried to stop you."

Number 3, his statement contradicts the other. He left me in the crowd, which means he care less. And now, he said he was trying to stop me, which now means he care

"I-I decided to bring you home b-be-because I hate my apartment."

PFFTT!! Sorry. I tried to stop my inner self from laughing. I mean, dude. Why would he hate his own apartment? Does it stink there?

I interrupted, "And you slept with me on a bed?"

"N-NO! NO!"

Number 4, defensive tone of voice.

I stood up from my seat and put my hands in my pockets. "Y'know, what I got from you are your submissive noises like your sobs, cries and stuttering. I'm giving up knowing from you about what really happened because you're just lying-"

"WAIT! S-Sir Martial- Law, wait!" China hurriedly came close to me, knelt on my front and held my GORGEOUS hand. He continued crying more. He made me stop walking to the exit. "I-I'm sorry for what I-I've done! I could've stopped myself!"

"And why didn't you?"

He paused while looking away. "You..."

"I, what?"

"... Y-You're the one who asked me."


I'm kinda believing that. I even felt just a bit surprised about it. Not gonna lie, I think I can actually do that if I got out of my character because of the situation in the bar. "Tell me more."

China wiped his tears. "You became heavily drunk last night. When we arrived at my house and got you in a room, I would've gone away but you stopped me and told me you need help because you're feeling hot. I even turned on the aircon from you. When you started asking me, I refused for like a million times b-but-"

"Did you use that thing with an aphrodisiac formula in it to me?"

"N-No! O-Of course, I didn't! I-I was thinking maybe the one who made you take aphrodisiac are the girls you hung out with back in the bar."

"Hmmm... Why do you have such thing in your drawer?"

"I used to use it with North Korea."

THIS is what made me surprised. He sounds so honest this time.

"Does it taste good?"

"Well, if you take it directly, it tastes sweet. But if you mix it with any beverages, you won't notice the taste."

Hmmmm. He could be telling the truth all this time.

"Who's the bottom between you two?"

"Him. He likes being cho-"

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