╰┈➤ Chapter Twenty

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The Dark, Final Day of Marcos, who is the son of Katipunan and Perla, brother of Del Pilar and Philippines...

The birth of Martial Law...

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Oh... I've finally awoken. I've never felt this free.

They are done trying to keep me in the uncomfortable cage of their expectations. I am breaking free.

I found out I have been a monster since I was born. Even my own parents were afraid of me. They got rid of me by letting me die in the disaster they created. They let me cry for help. They ignored my call. I died in a literal burning house, which I thought was my home.

I can't believe it. They saw me as a bad infant... rather than as a son.

I stopped wondering why they want me to stay silent and hidden. They wanted to keep me behind to ensure other people's safety. If only I knew about this earlier, I would've learned to control myself, to avoid danger myself. I would've used these abilities to protect people instead. But no. They wanted me hidden.

I must enjoy this freedom. In fact, I will disappear sooner because Philip is beginning to be independent from me. Before closing my eyes for the last time, the world must know about me. That's what I've been wanting to happen. I want to be in the headlines. I want to be praised. I want to feel like I exist.

When I wore my jacket on me, currently I'm in Philip's office, I dialed China's number by phone. I leaned backwards on the table and slightly sat on it, waiting for him to answer.

"People's Republic
of China. How can I
help you?"

"Hi, mahal."

He suddenly went silent. I chuckled.

"Y-You... S-Since,
when?! I was hearing
news y-you and Philip

"Woah! That news
was too much. Why
would I die?"

"Can I meet you later?
I-I was worried. I-I
can apologize to Phil
about what happened
that afternoon. I-It's
my fault."

"I actually called to
ask for permission if
I could do my
dramatic entrance to
your office."

"To my office? Y-You

"I'm heading there.
I want to go to your
place. I've never been
to any place outside
this land."

"So, you and Phil

"No. He's not coming
with me. Ah, I mean...
I managed to
overpower him. I don't
want him taking over.
I want to tell you more
about that once I got

"Oh. But, how about
the people? They
might see you."

"I don't care. Doesn't
it feel more fun if
you are followed by

"Okay... Do everything
as you wish. I'll stay
in my office waiting for
you. I missed you,

"I missed you too. I
won't let you wait
for long. I'll be there

As soon as I placed the phone down, I began my dramatic main character walk.

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