╰┈➤ Chapter One

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"I'm here to talk about the sea that will soon be mine."

I raised my chin in disbelief. How can he be that sure, I thought.

I removed my sight from him as I sat down. I want to remain calm because I hate showing bad attitude to other countries. Yet, I'm thinking China deserve to be treated bad anyway.

"How have you been lately?"

"I'm fine."

"You look unhappy to see me."

Why the fuck would I be?  I thought again. "No," I said. "It's Friday the 13th. Bad things happen lately."

"Oh! How come I forgot about that?"

Is it me or he actually act fake here? Such a plastic like his products. He actually asked how I've been like he actually care for me. If he does, he wouldn't have pushed me down the stairs before.

He continued, "Well, I don't believe stories about misfortune in this date. This is just a made up stories."

Well, you're a misfortune.

"I do believe in them because Malaysia told us his experiences every year on Friday the 13th." I leaned back on my seat again as I cross my arms. I'm feeling bored. "Let's begin talking about what you're here for."

"Yes, right. I was thinking you can now agree with giving your sea and... be a part of my territory."

"AHAHAHA." I gave a sarcastic laugh. "Me being part of your territory? When?"

Then, I was reminded of what America told me. Whatever China wants, he'll get it whatever the cost. No matter how I try to be brave enough to face such a big country like China, I end up getting scared about the possibility he might take the sea BY FORCE.

I turned silent.

'Hey, hey, Phil. What's going on?'

I groaned silently and shut my eyes close. "Be silent for a while, Martial, please." Then, I massaged my forehead again.


My eyes opened wide in shock. I was distracted from my thought when I heard China mentioning his name. I just realized as well that I said the name loud. Fuck. What should I do?

"No. Nothing. I meant... territories. Yes. Territories, it is. I mean, they are."

He hummed. "I heard that name before. I'm not sure when. Maybe back in high school."

Oh shit. This shouldn't go further.

"I am saying words when I'm thinking. Sorry for that," I said as an excuse. I licked my lips and leaned close to my table. "Let's go back to our topic, please."

I never heard a reply from him. He must've thought I'm suspicious.

I just continued talking, "My parents and brothers fought for my independence. I can't give it to you."

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