╰┈➤ Chapter Eighteen

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A lot of timeskips againn
This may be boring but yea

I'll do this quick :")) I forgor my other ideas for this chapter

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[The Next Day]

"HIIIIIIII, MAHAAAAAAAAAL!" I screamed the nickname I gave him when I saw him in our meeting place today. My heart beat fast and drove my legs insane that caused me to run towards him.

China wrapped his arms around me as I do it back tightly like there'll be no tomorrow. "Ah, xīngán!"

I felt him kiss me on my forehead.

When we parted away, I remembered I was holding a black box in my hand.

"Here!" I warmly smiled at him as I handed him the box. "It's a watch given to me by a mate of mine in the army. I haven't used it since."

I watched him open the box. His eyes widened and lips curved to smile at it. "It's beautiful. It looks like the ones we made."

"But, it said it's made in Switzerland."

"Yeah. Don't you think we don't make copies of it?"

I was left speechless. He wasn't surprised, then-

"Just kidding," he chuckled. "This is one of the unique watches I got. Thank you. It still looks new, hm?"

I felt relieved. I thought he didn't like it.

China continued, "I'm sorry I don't have a gift for you."

I wavered my hand. "Bah! It's okay! Seeing you here and knowing you're okay are already great gifts for me." I muttered to myself my next words. "Having you is already the greatest gift I could have."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Ah, nothing! Just... small thoughts."


[The Next Day Again]

"Xīngán! I now have a gift for you!"

As we sat down on the ground, he gave me a planner with a leather cover as a gift. I couldn't resist smiling when I saw small sampaguitas taped on it. "I prefer rosemaries over this but thanks."

"But, isn't Sampaguita your national flower? And its scent is said to be relaxing. I thought you'd like it."

My eyes widened in surprise after hearing his explanation. Does that mean he did research about flowers to know what I might like? Man, I pity the sampaguitas he picked from wherever he got this.

I became speechless for a moment.

"D-Don't... you like it?"

I glanced at him and looked back at the planner again.

"I thought of giving you a planner because Phil keeps ranting about you not being responsible for plans. I thought that could help. I can throw away the sampaguitas for y-"

"NO WAY!" I quickly moved away from him before he even got his hand on the flowers. "I LIKE ITS SCENT! I'M KEEPING THE FLOWERS WITH THE PLANNER UNTIL IT WITHER."

"I can pick rosemaries for you tomorrow!"

"I changed my mind. I like sampaguitas now."

"A-Are you sure?"

I nodded surely. "From now, I'll remember this moment every time I see sampaguitas! You are just as sweet as them."

He moved close to me that our shoulders touch. "You are as angelic as them."

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