╰┈➤ Chapter Sixteen

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[Promise me you'll read this fully! This is where the fun starts! Also, the myth mentioned here is made up by me. JUST READ THIS ALL!

Oh. "Ha-neul" means sky. "Byeol" means star. OwO. Sweet nicknames, aren't they~?]

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Now, I am walking my way straight to South Korea's office. Luckily, I'm allowed to go inside. I thought my brother would tell me to fuck off like what I did to him. I know every person who walks past me is watching my way, but I tend to ignore them. I had a bit of confidence with myself since my soldier came with me here.

As I came closer to the office, there were more and more soldiers around. I'm thinking South called them over to make himself protected from what threat I may bring. But, surprise. I brought no harm here.

I hate apologizing, actually. I am titled the most strict, independent, heartless country in the world. Apologizing isn't— or SHOULDN'T be part of my personality. But, he is my brother. I shouldn't forget we used to grow up together. He was my happiness. He has the part of my heart that I couldn't live without. Also, I'm considering his feelings. Maybe, he became sad after I pushed him away.


I arrived at his room. I let the soldier open the door with me. A group of them came inside after me. I felt cornered and uncomfortable. I glanced at my private and saw him fully watching his sides.

South Korea seemed to have just finished cleaning his desk.

I gulped.

"Good evening, b– South Korea."

"Good evening too." South Korea looked dead serious, like he was unhappy to see me.

I cleared my throat. "Uhm. Can we talk... alone?"


According to my mind, it meant "Fuck no. What if you're here to kill me?!"

I answered him, "Our topic... will only involve us two. I only want us in this room."

I watched his eyes look at the soldiers behind me. He nodded at them, followed by multiple footsteps going away. I also gave a signal to my own soldier to leave. He obeyed.

There was a moment of silence between us. I actually waited for him to tell me to sit down. But, no.

South sat on his seat. "Why are you here, then, North Korea?"

. . .

"I'm... I'm here to ask for forgiveness."

"What has gotten into your mind to apologize? You don't like doing such things."

"You're my brother. I shouldn't have pushed you away."

He chuckled. "Funny."

"I'm serious, South Korea. I'm sorry for what I did to you there. Sorry I treated you like nobody."

"If you have other intentions for this chance, tell me directly. Don't sugarcoat your words."


It is the nickname I used to call him. It means sky in English. I'm calling him that again to reach his heart. To tell him indirectly that I'm sincere.

"Ha-neul, we've been away from each other for years. I ain't gonna lie that there were times I didn't think of you. In those years, I wasn't there with you. So... I thought... I am, indeed, not deserving of being called a brother by you."

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