╰┈➤ Chapter Eight

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Hello, hello, baby
You called, I can't hear a thing
I have got no service
In the club, you see, see

Wha-wha-what did you say?
Oh, you're breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy

(Telephone by Lady Gaga)

* * *

[19:36, Philippine Time]

I felt relieved when I left the house. Currently, I'm riding a taxi to South Korea. I am resting myself on my seat and my eyes were close during the trip.

I really hope he'll let me be alone. I hope he left my place.

I remembered shouting at him back there. It must've caused him pain. These years, I did felt Korea's... what he called "love". He did made me feel better sometimes. But, what's with me that I could forget all that? I felt nothing was missing on me when I told him to leave me.

Maybe, I didn't make it to reciprocate his feelings for me. I can't... give it back to him.

"Sir, we're here," said the driver that looked at me through his mirror.

I took a look outside the window and saw the neon lights by the entrance.

I gave the driver a hundred yuan and patted his shoulder. "Thank you." I opened the door for myself and closed it as I stood outside of it.

I looked around the bar. It seemed like there are lesser people here as I expect.

"S-Sir, I don't have a change for this."

I turned back to the driver again. Ah yes, he's Korean. I forgot about that.

"How much did I pay again?" I asked.

"100 yuan, sir. Equivalent to 18,000 won. This is too much, sir. 2 yuans will do."

I would laugh at him. 100 yuan's a small amount for me! "Nah, just take it with you."


"Take it with you, I said. I don't have anything else to give you. Buy your wife and your children some things with that. Go on."

I waited for a reaction from his face. He was speechless. He can't even smile at me. He looked up to me, "Th-Thank you, sir." And it seemed like he has more to say but he can't put it to words. "I, uh... This is a big help, sir."

"You're welcome. That's just a small amount of me. Just enjoy your life, okay?"

I turned away from him and hurriedly left before he even say another word.

Hm-mm. So, South Korea's bar.

I walked inside it and looked around the place. The walls are black but there were warm lights and colorful lasers. People from different countries were here. There were some from here, Japan... there are some from Russia too. Oh, from America too. I can distuingish them because they have flags on their faces too.

This isn't my first time being here. I had been here with North before.

I went to the counter to buy some drink while waiting for Martial, if he's still not here.

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