╰┈➤ Chapter Nine

594 18 123

A lot of time skips

* * *

[20:30, Philippine Time]


We were distracted with the crowd shouting and screaming as South Korea greeted them happily. The neon lights started to move around. The people there started to raise their hands.

The party just started, then.

Martial patted my hand. "Hey, hey, hey! Let's go there and party with them!"

"A-Aren't you tired yet? I'm afraid you'll collapse there like how Philip did on Vietnam's place."

He waved his hand downwards. "Nah! My alcohol tolerance is way higher than his." He wrapped his hand around mine. "Let's go!"

While I stand, Martial pulled his hoodie up and wore it on his head. He held my hand and pulled me to the crowd. We stayed behind them because people started pushing each other as South played a loud music.

What's different in is bar from the other bars I went in is that this is intented for people in the age range of 18-25. No pole dancers and no slow music for... pole dancers. South Korea wanted to entertain younger people with his dance music.

My phone vibrated again in my pocket. It's North Korea. Look, I just had my mind away from problems, and now it's back. I wonder what he's up to again.

I sighed when I answered it.

"Hello. What is it again?"

"Why can I South Korea's
music there? Are you in
his bar?!"

"Here we go again..."

"I was about to say sorry to
you. I ended up finding
out you lied!"

"That's what you like to
do, anyway! Stalking me!"

"And you're mad?! You did a
mistake! Why can't we just
breakup, then?! I hate what
you're acting these days!!"

I expected it coming. It didn't bother me to be honest.

"Didn't we break up when
we're talking an hour ago?"

". . ."

"Hm. Now you're silent."

North Korea would say words he's gonna regret later. If he's mad, he says hate words at me. If he's sad, he says promises. Then, they'll be regretted after being said.

I'm tired of it.

"Ch-China, hon-"

"Ha! Don't honey me.
You said it, so let's be it."

"No, no, no-"

"I'm busy! I cannot hear
you well! Gotta go!"

And I turned down the call.

I felt relieved for another time today. Now, there's no North Korea coming after me because we're done.

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