Chapter 1

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"I'M LEAVIN' MA DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO STOP ME!" Jamie yelled at the top of her lungs.


It had always been like this. Her high ass mother yelling at her. Jamie yelling back and storming out the house for a while, saying she would leave for ever, but it would usually only be a few hours.

"I'm leaving for good this time. Don't think I am ever coming back to this rotten ass household again," and with that Jamie had left what was once her home.

After walking around for a half hour, Jamie had gotten tired of getting wolf whistled at and stared down because of the way she dressed. Guessing her dark blue jeans and leather jacket didn't sit too well with society.

It was 9:30 now and she had just made it to the train station. Instead of going to the ticket window she walked straight past and onto the platform.

"Why do stuff legally when you can have fun," she mumbled to herself and lit a cigarette with her flip lighter and inhaled.

"No smoking on the platforms," the security guy said to her. She looked him up and down studying his facial features. Bulky man with white, blonde hair, could easily take her down. Yet she used her smartass mouth anyway.

"Blow me," she said as she exhaled smoke into his face. The security guard walked away not even acknowledging her words, probably going to snitch on her to someone higher up.

She walked to the end of the platform. Maybe it was a smart idea to go home. She doesn't have clothes or anything as a keepsake from her father, but then again, she needed to stay out of that house, she was never going back there, for real this time.

She ponders for a few more minutes thinking of what her mom would do if she found out her second daughter had left. To be honest, she would most likely be happy Jamie had disappeared. It wasn't like she loved her anyway.

A train arrived with the big letters OKLAHOMA plastered on the front of it. She stood there for a minute, thinking if she should get on. The train started to leave so, like the criminal she is, she ran after it, ready to jump on the back. With the security chasing after her she sped up and jumped on, flipping off the men still on the platform.

"To be free," she whispers to herself. Shouting with joy she leans slightly off the train, getting the view from below the bridge that she was gliding over. She leans dangerously close to the edge wondering what people would think if they saw her. Wondering what it would be like to let go, not only the rail she was holding onto, but life all together.

After a three-hour trip she finally got to Oklahoma and jumped off at a little stop called Tulsa. It looked rough, just her type of place. Nearly everyone was in jeans except the few odd girls in a skirt.

It was late, like really late and everyone was either drunk or high. Jamie just wanted to get out of the train station. She lit a cigarette and started walking away.

"What are you doing alone baby?" Some random drunk guy asked her, grabbing her wrist.

"I'm fucking leaving," she replied through gritted teeth and a tense jaw. She ripped her wrist out of his grip and walked away, again.

"C'mon baby, you should stay," he said again and reached for her hips.

"Touch me, motherfucker, and I will shred you to pieces," she murmured firmly and held her switchblade to his throat. It was easy to tell she hated people touching her. Not for any reason just the fact that people were disgusting.

"Now why don't you fuck off," she suggested and pressed the blade harder on his neck.

After he didn't reply and just stood there with his arms up like he was surrendering, she backed off and walked away.

As she walked down a random road about 300m from the train station, she saw a souped-up Ford Galaxie.

"What a nice car to steal," she said and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a small handkerchief. It may not have been thick, but it would break the punch a little.

The car window smashed loudly. She reached in and unlocked the door and jumped in. It wasn't an old car so it should work fine.

She looked around seeing if there was something to start the car with. There was a key slightly poking out of a small compartment. She grabbed it and turned the car on swiftly.

"What a lucky find." She spoke and jammed her foot on the gas pedal. The car sounded great, and it was loud, just the entrance she wanted to make. It was a good time to be driving, no one was out, and the roads were quiet. She thought for a while, she needed a place to stay, she needed money she needed a job. So, on the hunt she went.

She drove around for a while and stopped at a gas station that was just about to close.

"Wait, wait!" Jamie yelled and ran the doors that were nearly closed.

"What do you want kid?" The old guy asked with a tired expression on his face.

"Are you hiring?" She asked, out of breath from sprinting.

"Not necessarily, why?" He questioned, suspiciously looking at her,

"I need a job and you're the only place open right now," she said and stood up straight, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, come in kid, it's too cold to be out here," he muttered and pulled her inside. It was cold but not too bad.

"Sign this and you can start tomorrow, show up at 6:00 and you can leave at 3:00, got it. As long as your good with costumers and know at least something about cars, you look like the type, you can work here," he said seriously, handing her a pen to sign an acceptance sheet.

"Yep, thank you, I'll be here at six." She said and headed out the door.

"See you tomorrow kid," he said locked the doors after her.

Word count: 1031

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