Chapter 4

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Jamie had got to work just on time when a truck pulled up behind her.

"I didn't know you worked here?" Someone yelled at her.

She stopped and turned around to see Sodapop and Steve jump out the truck.

"That's cos I only just started," she replied with attitude. It was too early to be nice to people, plus they were friends of a friend meaning she could say whatever she wanted to them. That's how it worked, right?

"No need to sneer your nose at us. He was just shocked," Steve said with a smirk on his face as he walked past her and inside.

"It's too early to deal with your shit," she mumbled and walked in after the two boys.

"Nice to see you on time today boys, Jamie you actually showed up." The guy from last night spoke up.

"Yeah, didn't want to miss my first day," she said. It was when she saw the cigarettes, she realized how badly she needed a smoke.

"Just a question, do we get discounts on items?" She whispered to Sodapop as the boss walked out and into the back room, most likely to get her uniform.

"Yeah why," He answered in the same tone,

"I'm dying for a pack of smokes," she said quietly as the boss walked in the room,

"Hey boss, can I have a pack of Marlboro?" Soda asked.

"Yeah whatever, Jamie come here," he instructed, and Jamie walked over almost immediately.

"Here is your hat tighten it to your size, and these are your shirts. They are the only ones I got. Put 'em on." He ordered, and she walked off into the bathroom. After she put on the shirt, she looked in the mirror, it was halfway past her thighs and the sleeves were up to her elbows.

"This is the ugliest fucking shirt I have ever seen," she said and rolled half of it up under her bra. It looked less baggy now, almost fitting her style. She walked out with her leather jacket in hand and chucked it on the hat stand near the front door.

"What the fuck are you wearing," Steve said as he walked out from the garage and behind the service desk next to Soda.

"A skinned dog," she answered sarcastically.

"What does it look like," she continued, attitude lacing in her voice.

"Just the way you're wearing it, it kinda shocked me," he replied and looked her up and down again.

"Well, it nearly reached my knees so, I made and alternative," she exaggerated and looked down at her shirt, straightening it out a little,

"Now that your dressed I need you to put prices on all of the items," The boss said as he looked her up and down. Addressing her uniform situation.

"Okay." She replied and grabbed the price stickers next to Soda. She saw him slowly slide the cigarettes towards her. She nodded at him slightly, as a thanks, and shoved them into her pocket.

She started placing the stickers on all of the items. How bloody boring.

"I'm going for a smoke," she said to Soda after five minutes and walked outside. She lit a cig and inhaled. Fucking heaven once again. it had been many hours since she had a smoke, this was the best moment of her life.

"So, where are you from?" Soda asked as he went and joined her a few minutes later.

"Doesn't matter," she replied not wanting him to ruin her perfect smoke.

"Okay, why are you here?" He questioned further.

"Doesn't matter," she said and inhaled once again.

"So, what does matter?" He questioned trying to be smart.

"That I'm a homicidal manic," she said with a joking smirk and exhaled the smoke that was inside her lungs.

"You know you don't scare me," he said and looked at Jamie with an amused face.

"I don't need to scare you I just need to get inside your head," she said with a smirk and walked inside, continuing the boring job she had.


It was now currently midday and Jamie had just finished pricing all the items. After convincing Soda to play Elvis on the old record player, she had finally begun to get work done. The boss walked out and looked at all the items she had priced.

"Good job kid, you said you know stuff about cars, is it true?" He asked and looked at a piece of paper he had in his hand.

"Yeah, why?" She asked, blowing hair out of her face.

"I need someone to help Steve, I wanna see if you have skills," he replied and walked out.

"Have fun dealing with Steve," Soda mumbled to her.

"What makes you say that?" She asked and looked back at him.

"He can be a lot to handle, just try not to murder him," he suggested with a small hint of amusement.

"No promises." She replied and walked into the garage only to see Steve laying on the floor looking up at the rusty, old, tin roof.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked and towered over him.

"I am not in the mood to work today, I just wanna go home and have a beer," he whined in a babyish voice.

"Get up you baby, I'm here to help you work," she spoke and lightly kicked his side.

"No offense honey but you couldn't handle what I do," he said in a cocky voice and propped himself up on his elbows.

"Ugh, just show me what to do," she said and kicked his foot impatiently. She walked over to a car that had its hood open. She assessed the car and noticed that it needed new spark plugs.

"Where do you keep the spark plugs?" She yelled at Steve who was lying still on the floor.

"How did you know that?" he asked and shot up off the ground, walking over to her.

"After a lifetime of stealing cars, I think I would know how they work," she replied smartly and gave him a small smirk that showed her dimple, which Steve poked.

"Get your hands off me," she said quietly and slapped his hand. He shook his hand and then held it protectively.

"You stole cars?" He asked and walked over to a metal toolbox and grabbed the tools and parts that were needed.

"Living in a rough neighborhood, you get used to doing illegal things," she said and started to install the parts needed.

"You ever go to jail?" He asked curiously.

"Does it matter if I did," she replied briskly.

"I'm just curious," he said and shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"For your information, I did," she said and looked at him.

"That's cool, I have a friend who's in the cooler now," he said with a smirk.

The two kids continued talking for a while, well really until their shift was over. Only after one day she had grown to like the boys very much. it seemed like this group of greasers were perfect for her. 

Word count: 1128

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