Chapter 14

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"Uh oh, look what's coming," Pony said and looked at the car that slowly drove into the park.

"This is our territory," Jamie said with a look of disgust on her face.

"I bet they're looking for us," Johnny said and smoked the butt he found.

"What did you guys do?" Jamie asked with a plain look.

"We just wanted to talk to their girlfriends," Pony said like it was nothing.

"Omg Pony you're a dumbass sometimes." Jamie said and lit a smoke as the Socs stepped out of the car.

"Well, well, well, what do you guys know," the main guy said the smell of alcohol wafted through the air. It reminded Jamie of her mother; it was the exact same liquor.

"Oh, my lord, they are so drunk," James said and held her nose.

Johnny said something to Pony, but Red didn't hear and continued to focus on the Socs that stood before them. Stuck up pricks who had anything they wanted.

"Hey, you guys are out of your territory, man, you better watch it," Johnny said in a confident yet worried voice.

"No pal, you better watch it," one Soc said.

"No pal, you better watch it. Hahaha, you look like a fucking sheep, man. Nobody is gonna listen to you." Jamie laughed as she dropped the butt of her cigarette. The three jumped of the bars as the Socs came towards them.

"You know what greasers are?" The main Soc asked, and he took a swig of whatever was in his flask.

"White trash with long greasy hair," The guy said, ignoring Jamie like she was an ant.

"You know what a Soc is?" Pony questioned; Jamie stood silent.

"White trash with Mustangs and Madras," Pony spoke, spitting after. As soon as he spoke the Socs came rushing towards them. The Socs immediately ran to the two boys, knocking Johnny to the ground and pushing Pony against the fountain. Near drowning him instantly.

"Hey, get off him," Jamie said going over to Johnny and knocking the guy off him immediately. She ran over to the boys trying to drown pony. She managed to get two off and started to beat them, but one got her arm took out his switch and slit it from her wrist to the middle of her forearm.

"Oh, fuck man," she winced and kept punching him. Her arm became weak, and she looked at the cut. It was like a blood fountain that had erupted from her arm. Next thing you knew everything was silent. Jamie looked around but the world was spinning. From what she could see there was a pool of blood forming and it wasn't from the greasers. No, it was from the Socs.

"Hey Pony wake up, Johnny, go bury that in the grass, we gotta go," she said and tried to wake Pony up.

"Where are we going?" Johnny asked and walked over to Jamie who was throwing a passed out Ponyboy over her shoulder.

"We are going to see Dallas, if anyone has been in a murder wrap, it's me and him." Jamie said and looked back at Johnny who was trailing behind her.

"What are you waiting for, let's go to bucks," she said, and Johnny hurried up, walking immediately towards where Dally was. After a ten-minute walk, Pony had woken up, threw up and the three were about to walk up Buck's stairs.

"What do you boys want," Buck asked as he opened the door.

"First off, I'm not a boy second, we need to see Dallas, now," Jamie said in an urgent matter.

"Sorry sweetheart he's busy," the guy replied. Jamie pulled Buck's collar so that her face was right next to his.

"You tell him that Johnny, Ponyboy and red are here to see him, am I understood." she growled in his face.

"Yes ma'am." he said and walked off to get Dal.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," Johnny said with a breathy laugh.

"You can do no wrong in my eyes Johnny," she laughed along. Pony stayed quiet probably still shaken up by recent events.

"I'd give you a hug Ponyboy, but I don't wanna put blood on you," she said and lit her last cigarette.

"What do you mean blood?" Pony asked worried, but before she could answer Dallas came to the door and opened it.

"What do you guys want?" Dally asked, pissed off.

"Johnny killed the Socs," Pony said in panic.

"What?" Dally asked not believing it.

"You have ears, don't you?" Jamie said and walked past Dal into the bar, going to get a drink.

"Alright good for you let's go," Dallas said and pulled the other two inside.

"Three shots of your strongest please," Jamie said to the bar tender.

"Coming right up," the guy said and in a second three shots were placed in front of her.

"Thank you," she said and took one after the other.

"See ya later," she said and ran up the stairs chasing the three boys.

"Jamie what happened to your arm?" Dallas asked as he sat Pony, her, and Johnny on the bed.

"Doesn't matter," she snarled and looked at the cut again. It sure looked ugly.

"Hey, stupid, take the sweatshirt off, man. You'll freeze to death," Dally said to Pony and went into his drawers.

"Man, I wish I had a weed now," Johnny complained.

"Here johnny, have the rest of mine," James offered and laid back on the bed.

"Here, don't point the thing at me will you, it's loaded, c'mon." Dallas said handing a gun to Johnny.

"Why don't you give it red?" Johnny asked pointing to Jamie who was out of the conversation completely.

"Have you seen how drunk she is, plus she would take it as a chance to shoot me." He said with a laugh.

"Now Jamie," Dally spoke, she didn't hear.

"Jamie-Lynn," He spoke sternly.

"What did I do?" she asked, sitting up.

"We need to fix that arm. Johnny, go get the first aid kit from the bathroom and Pony search through the drawers for a shirt, they are bucks so they will be quite big, but it will keep you warm." Dally said bossing everyone around.

"Jesus Christ you are bossy," James mumbled.

"It's the only way things will get done." Dally chuckled grabbing antiseptic and a bandage from the box. Dallas cleaned the wound and put a bandage over top. Jamie didn't even notice; she was too busy looking at his chest.

"There's fifty bucks and Ponyboy, I'm not gonna tell your brother and get my head kicked-in man," Dal said and finished wrapping the bandage.

"Thanks sweetheart," Jamie mumbled and laid down on the bed.

"Then don't tell him," Pony yelled in fear. Dally shook his head and pulled the boys close to his face.

"Now here is what you're gonna do. Catch the 3:15 train to Windrixville. It's a freight. There's an abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. There's a pump in the back so you don't need to worry about water. Jamie knows the rest. Am I clear on that boys?" he said firmly.

"Yeah, yeah, now we shall be off," Jamie said, picking up the whiskey from the end of Dal's bed and walking out the door, with the two younger boys following.

"Don't let her die boys," Dally said and kicked everyone out of his room. Off they were, to Windrixville.

Word count: 1189

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