Chapter 8

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"We really should have kept the cart," Pony complained as he dumped the fifth and last group of shopping on the kitchen bench.

"Should have stolen some bags too." Jamie said and started putting items in the cupboard.

"What do you mean stolen?" Johnny asked from the lounge room.

"Didn't have any money, so we stole it, nothing big." She said in a nonchalant tone.

"How did you get away with that?" Two-bit asked, actually looking away from Mickey.

"I'm good at what I do, now I'm gonna run this car away, I'll see you guys soon," Jamie said and started to walk out the door.

"I'm coming," Dally said taking a sip of his beer and following her.

"No, you're not," Jamie said and tried to close the door, but he held it open.

"Yes, I am," he said and walked out behind her. Jamie just rolled her eyes and didn't say anything, stalking away from the boy.

The two teens jumped in the car and Jamie started to drive off.

"Where's a good place to dump a car around here?" Jamie asked Dal, as they drove down a random road.

"There's a good place, at the end of Scilya street," he replied, as if Jamie knew where the fuck that was.

"Take me there." She ordered, in a short, sharp tone. There were few lefts and rights, but finally they were at an opening to a small forest.

"This it?" Jamie asked and stopped the car.

"Yep, now drive in and there will be a turn to the right, follow that until you see old car bits, that is where to burn the car," he said and got out.

"Why are you leaving?" Jamie asked and looked out the passenger window.

"You want me to stay sweetheart?" He said and leant into the car.

"Not really, plus sweetheart is my thing," she said and started up the car, lighting a cigarette.

"See you in a second, wait for me here." She said and drove into the woods. She took the directions Dally told her to take and ended up at the old car machinery.

"Time to light this baby up." She said and put some dry leaves on the hot engine, dropping the cigarette on top. It took a while but once it was lit, she sprinted out of there, not wanting to get blown up. When she finally made it out, she heard a big boom.

"Damn, that car really doesn't like fire," she whispered to herself and started walking down the road, her head feeling a little queasy and as she suspected, Dally wasn't there. She started walking and as she got to the end of the street, she heard a rustling in the bushes.

"What the fuck was that?" she said, her head thumping in pain. She kept walking and heard it again. Thinking it was an animal she continued to walk. Suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders, she reached into her pocket, grabbed her switchblade, and held it up to the person that grabbed her.

"Jesus Christ doll, I'm kinky but not it's that bad," Dallas said with a smile.

"What the fuck Winston, you scared the shit out of me." She said and flicked her knife back into place. After a moment of silence, Jamie started to giggle a little.

"Well at least you have good reflexes," Dally stated and Jamie giggled quietly.

"What's funny," Dal asked confused.

"You complimented me, you're going soft, Haha," she laughed and pointed at his face.

"I think those car fumes affected your brain." He said and pulled her home. It was weird, Jamie was acting strange, maybe the car fumes really had affected her, she seemed to be going mental, acting all airy fairy and shit.

"Where are we going Dal?" Jamie asked as he walked into the Curtis house. James had lost the ability to walk halfway going home. Something was definitely up, and shockingly, Dallas was worried.

"We are going to the house that you will stay in tonight," he said and carried her into the house, putting her down on the couch.

"Hey Soda, can you set up the room under the stairs for red here, she's going mental, and I don't want her out tonight," Dally said and looked down at the girl who was now drawing shapes in the air with her fingers.

"Sure," Soda said and walked into the room under the stairs.

"What's wrong with her?" Ponyboy asked as he came down and at beside her.

"Hey Pone, what's up dude," she said and held up a rock sign with her fingers.

"Hiya Jamie," he said and held her hand tightly. Even though it was just Ponyboy, Dallas felt rage inside him.

"I think she breathed into too many car fumes while she was lighting the car up, hopefully she'll be fine after she wakes up tomorrow." Dallas said and lit a cigarette.

"Hey why don't you give me that," Jamie said and held her hand out for the smoke.

"No way in hell." Dally said and walked outside.

"Hey Pony, go steal his cigarette for me," Jamie whispered very loudly to Pony, loud enough so that Dally could here.

"No way, you are already high enough my friend, no more for you," Pony said and tucked Jamie in the blanket.

"You're so boring." Jamie said and turned so that her back was facing the rest of the room. In about ten minutes she was in a deep sleep, Dally had returned inside and saw her lightly snoring.

"Jesus," he whispered to himself and lifted her up, carrying Jamie into her newly made room, as he turned, he heard Jamie mumble a sentence.

"What was that sweetheart?" He asked and kneeled beside her.

"Can I have some water, also sweetheart is still my thing," she said with a tired expression.

"Sure thing, doll," Dally said and got her some water from the kitchen, quickly returning to her room.

"Here you go, you want anything else?" Dally offered leaning next to her again.

"No thanks, sweetheart," she said and lightly kissed his cheek with a smile. After taking a sip of water she put the glass on a small side table and whispered goodnight to Dal.

"Night, miss red." He said and walked out of the room shutting the door behind him. As he walked out into the living room, the gang stared at him shocked.

"You got a problem?" He asked with an angry confused expression.

"Nope, none at all," everyone muttered at different times.

"No, what is it?" he asked with an annoyed expression. Everyone went silent.

"You're soft for Red." Steve faked coughed.

"I am not," Dally disagreed and grabbed a beer.

"Yes, you are," Two bit said, taking a sip of his.

"I am not and if I here ya say it again, I'll cut your throat in two." Dallas said and sat down on the couch next to Johnny.

Word count: 1114

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