Chapter 19

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"You get mean in jail, I just don't want to see that happen to you like it happened to me and Jamie," Dally said getting up Johnny.

"He's doing the right thing Dallas leave him alone. This is what he wants to do so let him do it. Stop getting up him because he's making his own choices." I said getting angry at Dallas.

"Fine do whatever you want," He mumbled, and we drove in silence.

"What's going on?" Johnny said and I looked at the church. It was in flames. I jumped out of that car and looked at Dallas.

"You let her take one step out this Goddamn car and, so help me God, I will throw you in the fire myself." I yelled at him and ran towards the church, hearing footsteps behind me.

I grabbed a rock and threw it at one of the windows. Stepping into the burning hot church. It was as if I had walked into a cigarette. The embers were all around me.

"Boys go around the other side, I'm gonna pass you the kids through the window over there." I shouted and they obeyed immediately.

I walked into the church going closer to the kids screaming. It was overwhelming and I never get overwhelmed.

"Heya kids, I'm gonna get you out okay," I yelled and picked one of them up.

I started passing the children through the window and to the boys outside. One tried to bite me, but I continued doing what I was doing. I couldn't let a group of kids die because of my stupid actions. I had learnt what it was like to be in an unfair situation.

"That's all of them get out of there now." Johnny said seeing that roof was gonna cave at any second.

"There is one thing I have to find first." I said and walked over to the main part where we all would sit. I saw the camera that I had taken a few photos on. Without the boys noticing. Moments of when they looked really cute together. I grabbed it and sped out the church but felt a hot sensation on my arm.

"Ow shit," I muttered and saw that a beam had fallen and caught me on the way.

"Jamie-Lynn where are you," Dally yelled into the church.

"I'm nearly out, it's just my wrist is caught." I yelled tugging harder. I felt hands wrap around my waist and then help push the beam that was on me.

"Thanks Dal," I said, and we ran out of there just as the building collapses. I started to feel dizzy and eventually collapsed. Just as I was about to pass out, I said,

"Get Mary-Ann," I whispered. She was the only thing on my mind. I can't let a little girl I had fallen in love go back to her abusive father. I just couldn't do it.

Next thing I know I woke up in an ambulance travelling back to a hospital.

"Where's Dally, where's Mary-Ann, where's Johnny and Pony," I said panicking and frantically looking around.

"The two boys are traveling in a car behind us, and Dallas is in the ambulance in front." I heard a young girl say from beside me.

"Oh Mary-Ann you're okay," I say and hug her. A sudden shooting pain running up my arm.

"Ow," I groaned and looked at my wrist that was now in a bandage.

"We had to bandage your arm. You have third degree burns and a broken wrist." The nurse said from beside me.

"God, damn I hate being a hero sometimes." I said and laughed at myself. Mary-Ann chuckled as well.

"If you didn't there would have been heaps of kids that would have died so you really helped a lot of people." Mary said from beside me with a bright smile. She didn't deserve the life she got. I would never put anyone in a broken home. Not even my greatest enemy.

I laughed at how cute she was and gave her a kiss on her forehead. The vehicle quickly rolled to a stop.

"When we get inside, I want you to go sit with Johnny and Ponyboy tell them to make sure they take care of you or Jamie will kill them," I said as the wheeled me in and she ran over to the two boys.

I was led to a room, and they put me asleep while they fixed me up. I woke up six hours later with a cast on and the doctors coming in my room.

"Can I go see my friends." I said and sat up in my bed. My throat was parched. I would have done anything for water.

"No, you have to stay in your bed." They said and left the room. I mocked them and laid down until I knew they were gone for good. I found a cup of water and sculled it. It was instant relief on my throat.

I stood up and pushed the door open following the signs to the waiting room. I walked a long way getting lost twice but eventually I saw Mary-Ann's little pig tails.

"Mary-Ann," Pony said and pointed to me. She turned around and ran towards me. It looked like she had been crying, poor girl must have been scared to death.

"Oh, sweetheart how are you," I said and picked her up with me good hand. She was a very light kid, probably underfed.

"I'm a lot better now that I know you're okay," she said with a giggle and wiped away her happy tears.

"Don't cry sweetheart, I'm never gonna leave you," I say and held out my pinkie. She shook it and held onto me as we hugged.

I put her down and walked over to my two boys.

"Thank you both so much, for being there for me and my little girl. I don't know what I'd do without you." I hugged them at the same time, and they hugged back. I don't know what I'd do without them, honestly.

Word count: 1006

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