Chapter 20

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3rd Person POV:

"Do I not get a hug," Sodapop barked from behind her. Jamie turned around and hugged him tight.

"My god look at your hair," he said and lifted a piece of her fringe up.

"Leave it alone. How you been buddy," she asked and let go of him.

"It's been rough, my girl dumped me, Pony ran away. Definitely rough," he said, and his mood dampened.

"You want me to beat that bitch up?" Jamie offered, not joking at all.

"No, she's in Florida anyway, with her boyfriend and baby," he said with a chuckle but really, he was hurting. she gave him another hug. Ever since Mary-Ann came along and Johnny told her he liked Pony she had been more in touch with herself and feelings.

We had a moment of silence and she turned to Darry who was playing around with Mary.

"Hey Darry," she gasped and give him a hug. He held her in a very comforting way.

"How you handling this?" she asked, knowing that it would have been extra rough on him.

"I feel better now that Pony's back," he said with a small smile. James smiled back and then Mary-Ann tugged on her sleeve. She looked down at her to see that she was pointing at something. Jamie followed the direction that she was pointing in and there was Dally with stitches on his forehead and his arm bandaged up.

James ran up to him and jumped into his arms. They just stood there embracing each other. Jamie was so annoyed at herself. She had fallen once again. She had finally learnt that although he has done some shitty stuff in the past, it was time to put it behind her. Dallas was only a young boy when he left her. He didn't know any better. Plus, she had a kid now, she needed to put all the stuff behind her. She needed to recognize that Dally had sacrificed himself for her and her loved ones.

"Oh my God, you're okay," he said and put her down looking at her arm, keeping his hands on James' waist.

"Of course, I'm okay, when have you ever seen me hurt?" she joked.

"Never ever do that to me again," he demanded.

"Wouldn't dream of it," she muttered and smashed her lips onto his. Everyone stared at them, and Mary-Ann covered her eyes. James pulled away with a smile.

"Goddamn I missed that," he said and pulled her back in; just as passionate and rushed as the first one.

"Okay thanks for the show, that's enough," Soda said, and the group walked back to red's room.

"Do you think they will let me out today, I don't wanna be here any longer and it's the rumble tonight," Jamie complained as she sat down on her bed and Mary-Ann sat on her lap.

"There is no way you are fighting in that rumble tonight," Dallas said, sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"Why? I can knock people out with my cast," she suggested.

"And then break it more." Sodapop said.

"Fine I'll stay here then," she said and laid down. The crew continued to talk, and James just sat and listened. They were all talking to Mary and getting to know her. The doctor eventually came in and told everyone that they needed to leave.

"Excuse me doc, but can I leave today?" she asked, and he looked her directly in the eye.

"No, you leave in two days," he said and walked out.

"What an ass." Jamie muttered. Dally got to leave, why couldn't she. The boys took Mary-Ann home with them, and she happily went along. She was so happy to welcome Annie into the family.

The night passed and Red finally fell asleep. Although the bed was comfortable, she had struggled to sleep, as always. It was easier when she was alone.

The day passed and Two-Bit and Steve brought Mary-Ann to see Jamie.

"Heya boys what you doing?" She asked excitedly as they walked into the room. They leant down to give her a hug.

"We thought that your little one might want to visit, and it was a good excuse to see you after a while." Two said and Annie jumped up on the bed.

"Hi Annie, how was your night?" Jay asked as Mary sat down next to her.

"It was good; you have a really comfortable bed," she said with a giggle.

"Thanks boys. How has your week been?" James asked as they sat down in the chairs next to the bed.

"It's been difficult not having my beer buddy around." Two laughed and Steve messed around with Mary.

"Yeah, I bet," she laughed and punched his arm.

"You excited for the rumble tonight?" she asked Steve,

"Hell yeah, are you gonna go?" He replied.

"I want to, but everyone said I shouldn't, and I'm meant to leave tomorrow but who knows I may escape." she said hinting to her plan.

"You are a prick sometimes you know that." Steve said, and Two bit laughed. There was a moment of silence.

"Can you tell Dal I need to talk to him, It's kinda important." James mentioned and the boys smirked at each other.

"Are you gonna ask him to be your boyfriend?" Mary teased, dragging out the last word in a lovey way.

"I don't know yet," she hesitated.

"She so is," Steve whispered to Mary-Ann,

"I know," she giggled back.

"Leave all of you," James laughed.

"Except Mary-Ann of course," she continued.

The boys said their farewells and Mary-Ann stayed with Jamie. They played around for a little bit and then Jay heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she yelled and pulled Mary closer to her. In walked the doctor saying that he needed to do a check-up.

"Look doc, I'm fine, I know how to take care of a broken bone, can you just let me leave," Jamie tried to convince him.

"Well, you are doing fine, I'll get you to sign some forms, then you can leave," he mumbled and walked out the room.

"You hear that, I get to leave." She whispered to Annie.

"Momma, what if my daddy comes back?" Mary asked her. The poor girl must be really worrying about this.

"I will protect you from him. You are my baby girl now. I ain't gonna let him hurt you." Red reassured her. She started to cry.

"Oh, sweetheart, don't cry. I'm gonna do everything in my power to protect you. And don't worry if he does try to take custody of you I ain't gonna let him. There is so much evidence of what he has done to you, and we can get Darry to help, it will all be okay sweetheart. You don't need to worry," she whispered and hugged Mary with all her might. Nothing was gonna happen to her baby girl.

Word count: 1128

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