Chapter 7

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Jamie and Soda went home for the day. They walked in the house only to see Darry sitting in his chair.

"Hey Darry, how you going?" Jamie asked and sat down on the couch.

"I'm good, how was work?" He replied, looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

"It was boring, pretty quiet," She replied and looked at the TV that was currently playing Mickey Mouse.

"From what I saw you enjoyed it." Soda said from the fridge, eating a piece of chocolate cake.

"What do you mean?" she asked, oblivious to what he was talking about.

"You and Dally seem to be on good terms," he said with a sly smirk. That goddamn window in the garage.

"Oh please, it was just a bit of banter," she said and walked over to the fridge, next to him.

"He was pretty close to you." Soda stated the smirk still playing on his lips.

"It was always like that, trust me I don't like him, he's an asshole," she said and opened a beer taking a sip.

"Yeah, but you're an asshole too, your kinda perfect," he argued.

"Soda's right, you would look good together," Darry said from behind his paper.

"That is not true, we aren't even friends, we just act like that, I don't have any feelings towards him. I don't have feelings towards anyone." She said firmly and sat down on the couch, continuing to watch Mickey. A few minutes later, Pony, Two-bit, Johnny and Steve walked through the door, all of them looked the same except Two-bit he had a black eye.

"What the hell happened to your face?" Jamie asked impolitely.

"That's what your mother said when you were born," he smart mouthed. She glared at him and grabbed the back of his neck. He squirmed free and rubbed his neck to soothe it.

"I got punched by a Soc, but he ended up worse," He stated and took a beer from the fridge as well.

"Yeah, sure he did," Jamie mumbled and took a sip of beer.

"He did," Two exclaimed, she just shrugged her shoulders in an unconvinced way.

"I don't like you very much, you're a bit of a bitch," Two-bit said in a playful voice.

"That's the way I like to be known," Jamie said and winked at him, getting up to see Pony and Johnny. She really liked Pony, maybe because he was like her younger sister, or maybe it's because he was still talkative yet shy. She just liked him.

"Hey kid how was your day?" She asked and ruffled his hair.

"Hey watch the hair." He said and flattened his hair. Jamie laughed through her nose at his actions. Always trying to protect his hair.

"So how was work?" Steve asked Soda.

"Why don't you ask Red?" He said with a smirk.

"Oh, shut your trap Pepsi." She said to him and dove back in the fridge for some food.

"What does he mean, what happened?" Pony asked curiously.

"Dally came in today, got extremely close to James here, what was it, Miss Red," Soda said just making fun of her, she bit her lip in frustration.

"That's what he called you last night too," Johnny pointed out.

"You ain't helpin' Johnnycakes," she said and stared at him tensely. He backed up a little.

"It was a bit of banter nothing exciting, we talked for a bit and then I kicked him out." She said and ate a piece of chocolate cake. Everyone piped up, trying to get their opinions on the situation in.

"Let's not ignore the fact Dallas was staring at her ass," Soda said over top of all the voices, everyone went silent in shock. Jamie was stuck for words.

"I was staring at whose ass?" Dally asked walking into the kitchen. What perfect fucking timing, right?

"Today at the DX, you were staring at Jamie's ass," Steve said bluntly.

"Yeah, that's coz it's hot." Dally said and slapped Jamie's ass as he walked past her.

"That's not a lie," Two said from the living room, watching Mickey.

"I'm right here you know," she said in astonishment. Two guys had just called her ass hot, one of them being her childhood enemy. What the fuck was happening today?

"And you're telling me that there ain't feelings," Soda said pointing to them both.

"There ain't!" They both said at the same time.

"Okay, whatever you say," Soda said and took a sip of water. Jamie's jaw tensed and she continued looking through the fridge, trying to find something other than beer and chocolate cake.

"You got any other food Darry?" she asked.

"No, I gotta go shopping." He said, still sitting peacefully in his chair.

"I'll go, Pony you're coming with me, see ya later guys." She said and walked out with Pony. The two walked to the supermarket, and got all the groceries in the cart, including a few shirts, jeans, shorts, and necessities for Jamie.

"You got any money Pony?" James asked him.

"No," he said softly.

"That's good," she answered with a smirk.

"What are you thinking," Pony asked suspiciously.

"When you hear a car horn twice, I want you to run out the store with the cart, don't stop and sprint your fastest, got it. I will be outside in a car. Empty the cart in the car as quickly as you can and then jump in. If my plan goes well, we won't get caught." Jamie said to him directly, yet quiet, so no one would hear.

"What if I can't get the stuff in the car fast enough?" He worried.

"Trust me you will." She said and walked outside to get a car. She saw 1953 Buick, the size of a fucking boat. It would work perfectly. She broke in and drove to the front of the store, beeping the horn twice. She jumped out and opened the door closest to store, a second later Pony came out sprinting his fastest. They emptied the cart and left it there. She jumped in the driver's seat and started the car, Pony in the back seat, she sped and sped until she heard sirens.

"Shit they are on us Jamie," Pony worried and ducked down so that the fuzz couldn't see his head,

"Not for long, just hold onto your hat." Jamie said through a tensed jaw. She looked in the rear-view mirror and saw how far they were she swerved into a parking lot so fast it would make your head spin. The cops sped right passed them.

"See we're fine," Jamie said and made sure the coast was clear before driving out of the lot and back to the Curtis house.

"That was fun," Pony mumbled.

"I do it all the time kid." She said proudly.

Word count: 1087

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