Chapter 3

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As the three were walking to the Curtis' house, they continued to talk.

"So Red, if you don't mind me asking, what happened with your parents?" Pony asked and Johnny hit his shoulder as if to say shut up.

"Oh well, my mom was high 24/7 and on the rare occasion that she wasn't she was drunk," Jamie replied, just thinking about her mother made her wanna gag. That bitch had done nothing for her except ruin her childhood.

"So, what about your dad?" Pony continued curiously.

"He left when I was eight and took my younger sibling with him. He thought that if he left, my mother would stop being a bitch she is, and he thought that I could take care of myself maybe even my mom." She said and kicked a rock at her feet as they walked.

"Do you know what happened to your dad or youngest sibling?" Johnny asked getting into the story too.

"Yeah, they died in a plane crash three years after they left. That was the year before I was thrown into the cooler for the first time," she said with a small smirk. Not proud she went to jail, but it amused her that she went in at such a young age.

"You went to jail at the age of 12?" Pony questioned, sounding astounded.

"Yep, and all because of this one guy called Dal, God he was an asshole," She spoke thinking of the memories made in New York.

"What happened?" Johnny asked. Jamie continued to think about telling the boys about the story but before they knew it, they had arrived at the Curtis' house.

"Story for another time," she muttered, looking up at the house.

"It's not much but it's home," Pony sounded ashamed of his house and how little money he had.

"It's cool kid, I don't mind. Small houses are the better of the bunch." Jamie replied and flashed him a grin, dimples showing. The three walked inside the house quietly, trying not to disturb anyone, only to be caught by a tall buff man, maybe early twenties.

"Ponyboy, where the hell have you been?" He asked, sounding exhausted but covering it with frustration.

"I was out with Johnny, and we met this girl and got talking?" Pony said nervously.

"That is no excuse to come home at 2:00 in the morning," the man said firmly.

"It's my fault, I kept Pony out all night, I was talking to 'em nonstop," Jamie said, defending Pony. He was just a kid, and it was her fault that the boys returned so late.

"This the girl Pony?" The man asked surprised.

"Yes," Pony answered shortly.

"I'm Darry, Pony's older brother," he introduced himself and held his hand out.

"So, I've heard, I'm Jamie but you can call me red, coz of the hair," she said and shook his hand. He seemed protective of Pony, what a young kid needed.

"You're lucky you ain't going to school kid, you'd be in deep shit if you were," Darry said to Pony while shaking his head.

"Good night, Jamie, it was nice to meet you, hope to talk to you soon," Darry said with a kind-hearted voice before walking upstairs.

"Well, that was fun," Jamie said with a smirk.

"He is right though Pone, we can't stay out this late on a Sunday night again," Johnny said and went to sit on the couch. Jamie went onto the other couch and laid down.

"I gotta work soon, may as well get some sleep," she said to the boys and rolled over so that her back was facing them.

"You gotta job?" Johnny asked surprised.

"Yeah, I got one right before I met you guys. The manager was really sweet." She replied and tucked herself under a blanket that was lying on the end of the couch.

"Goodnight boys," Jamie said and closed her eyes.

"Night," They spoke in unison. After a few minutes, everyone in the house was in a deep slumber. A peaceful yet loud sleep. Everyone was snoring.

later that morning

"Who the hell is she?" One voice spoke quietly.

"What is she doing in the house?" another questioned. Jamie started to wake.

"I don't know but the broad's hot," that was when she shot up and stared in the direction of the voice. It was a guy standing pretty much inside the fridge, digging for something to eat.

"I am not just some broad," she said and got up walking to the boy, flicking open her switch. He had long sideburns and deep grey eyes. He was wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt. It was kinda cute.

"Jeez sorry miss, I just thought you were pretty," he replied and put his arms in surrender.

"Don't call me a broad," she spoke through gritted teeth. Jamie flicked her blade back in place and retied her small ponytail.

"Who are you anyway?" A guy with greased over hair asked. He had chocolate cake on the side of his face, crooked teeth, and a bird tattoo on his right arm.

"I'm Jamie, call me red," she spoke and grabbed her jacket that was next to the couch she had slept on.

"Coz of your hair or coz of your attitude?" Another asked, he flashed her a movie star smile. That must be Sodapop.

"You must be soda," she said and looked at the clock on the wall, nearly 6:00. Shit, she was gonna be late.

"How did you know?" Soda asked the girl.

"Ponyboy told me all about you. I met him last night. Meaning you are Steve, and you are Two-bit," she said pointing to the other two boys.

"Pleasure to meet you doll." Two-bit said and held out his hand for her to shake. She looked hm up and down a few times, deciding to decline his offer.

"Yeah, no it's not," she said and turned to go out the door.

"It was a displeasure meeting you, tell Pony I want to see him after work," Jamie said and ran out the door, rushing to work.

"Nice going Two, you scared off the lady," Steve spoke and hit Two's arm with a newspaper.

"I think she scared him more," Sodapop chuckled and grabbed the keys to the car.

"Let's go Steve we're gonna be late," he continued and closed the door after Steve walked out. 

Word count: 1049

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