Chapter 6

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"What crawled up her ass and died?" Dally breathed to himself and took a drag of his cig.

"How do you guys know each other?" Pony asked.

"Known each other since we were kids practically, met in New York." He answered and looked back at the boys.

"And she never told us," Johnny aimed at Pony.

"We hate each other, I don't see why she would want to talk about me," Dallas sighed and flicked ash off the end of his smoke.

"I still can't believe they know each other," Pony whispered.

"I gotta admit, she does look hot." Dal said and smirked at the boys.

The next day

Jamie got to work a tad late. After spending the night out on the town, mainly walking into bars having a few drinks and walking out again, she was about to fall asleep. She had run into Two-bit a lot as well, he was out getting drunk too, the pair had a great night together.

"Sorry I'm late boss," she apologized and threw her jacket up on the hanger. She had worn the DX shirt all night. It was now dirty and had a small beer stain.

"Yeah, whatever just get to work. You're out the back today, Steve is at school," he ordered and walked into a small office.

"Where did you go last night? Ponyboy and Johnny came home alone?" Soda asked, concerned of her whereabouts.

"I was out with Two-bit," she clarified and shoved a pack of cigarettes in her pocket.

"I heard you met Dallas, that sounds... exciting," Soda smirked and stared playing around with things on the desk.

"I don't even wanna think about him." Jamie complained as she walked off and into the garage, so far, she only had two cars this morning. There may not be many today, considering it was Tuesday. Jamie got started right away and in four hours she had finished the two cars. She looked at the big clock on the wall.

"10:15, what the hell am I gonna do for the day," she said to herself. She walked back out to see Soda talking to some gals; by the way they dressed, they looked like Socs. Not having the energy to deal with bitches like them, she went out the front and lit a cigarette. It was like instant relief.

The girls left as she walked back inside and sat on the inside of the counter, facing Soda.

"Who were they?" she asked and dropped the cigarette butt in the bin.

"Just some Socs, being all flirty and shit," he said and started counting the money they had given him.

"Sounds boring. Why aren't you at school?" She asked and rested her elbow on the desk, kind of lying down.

"I'm a drop out, I'm dumb. This is way better than school, plus it gets bills paid." He countered with a sarcastic grin.

"Speakin' of bills, I oughta get a place round here, also some clothes," she said and laid on her back, her legs dangling off the bench.

"You could stay with us. There is a small room under the stairs." He suggested.

"Oh no I can't do that, I'll take up too much space," she said and started drumming a light beat on her chest.

"You just said it yourself. You don't have any clothes, plus you can pay bills with the money you earn, and when you save up enough, you can move into a flat by yourself," he explained and put the money he was counting away.

"You make it sound so simple," she whined.

"What do ya say?" He asked and placed is hand out.

"I'm in," she answered and spat on her hand, shaking his.

"That's disgusting," He criticized and rubbed his hand on his shirt. She just laughed and laid back down. When the clock hit twelve Soda got some food for them, returning shortly after with two sandwiches and a big coke.

"Two cokes were too much so I got a big one," he said and sat down on a seat facing Jamie from the other side of the bench,

"Thanks for lunch Soda, I owe you one." She said and dug in. After eating lunch, they decided to swap jobs so Jamie could work at the counter. A guy came running in the store saying he needed something done with his tire, Jamie wasn't paying attention, she was looking at the guy who was about to walk in, the brown leather jacket and black boots said it all.

"Hiya doll, how you going today." Dally said as he walked in and sat on the seat in front of the counter.

"A lot worse now you're here." She replied with a fake smile.

"Gee you should smile less, hurts my eyes," he grumbled as he shielded his face from her. Jamie rolled her eyes and reached for the coke that she and Soda shared, throwing it in the bin.

"So, what do you want?" She asked and leaned on the counter.

"I want a nice car, mustang maybe, and a letterman jacket, so I can act like a Soc," he said with a grin.

"And you're telling me to stop smiling," she mumbled with a smirk.

"Why do you hate me?" He asked, grabbing a lollipop, and eating it.

"Why not?" she answered.

"Also, you're gonna have to pay for that, otherwise it comes out of my pocket." She explained and took it from him, eating it herself, pushing off the table and walking into an aisle.

"Technically you just kissed me." He said and stood up, following her.

"Nothing I haven't done before," she replied and threw the wrapper in the bin.

"You saying you wanna do that again, Miss Red?" He questioned and pulled her close to him, leaning down to her face.

"Not... at... all." She said and pushed him away walking back to the counter to serve a Soc that was there. Dally stayed back watching from afar. Half observing her, half checking out her ass.

"What can I get for you sweetheart?" Jamie asked the girl standing behind the counter.

"What are you doing here? I wanna talk to Sodapop," she said and looked around the store.

"Sorry sweets, but he's busy so if I can't help you, you can gladly fuck off." She said with a smile, the lollipop stick hanging out her mouth. The Soc rolled her eyes and walked out, clearly not amused by the girls' actions. Jamie laughed at herself and turned to face Dallas who was stuck in a trance.

"You were starin' at my ass weren't ya," she said with a sly smirk on her face, slowly crossing her arms.

"No," he replied while nodding his head yes.

"You little creep, get out of my store," she said with a smirk and pushed him out the shop.

"See ya later doll," he said with a wink and walked away.

"Fuck you." She replied and opened up a magazine.

Word count: 1120

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