Chapter 2

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After getting back in the car she headed off. She had been driving for 20mins she reached into her pocket to get her cigarettes.

"Aww shit, I only got one left," she sighed in frustration and hit the steering wheel.

"May as well save it for late," she whispered and shoved the small box back into her pocket.

She pulled up to this small park that was abandoned except for two younger boys.

"They look lonely." She thought to herself.

One had jet black hair and the double denim style. Looked good on him. The other looked younger he had brown nearly red hair. Although they looked different, they both had greased back hair. Greasers.

"I must be on the greaser side of town. Sweet," Jamie said to herself and got out of the car with a small smirk. She didn't know anyone in this town so it was time to make an impression and after all it might be fun to torment some kids.

"What are two young boys like you doing out at this time of night huh?" She asked them as she walked up to the boys who were now sitting on the monkey bars.

"We could ask you the same thing," the one with the reddish hair said, his voice shaky. Jamie could easily tell he was scared.

"No need to be scared, I don't bite. Unless I want to," she mumbled the last part and reached into her pockets grabbing her last cigarette and lighting it.

"What do you mean unless you want to?" The one with the black hair asked.

"Doesn't matter kid, I ain't gonna hurt ya," she said and held out her hand to shake,

"Jamie Forrest, call me red." She said and shook double denim's hand.

"I'm Ponyboy and this is Johnny," The one with the reddish-brown hair said and extended his hand.

"Ponyboy, that's a cool name, I dig," she said and let go of his hand.

"What's a girl like you doing out anyway, it ain't safe out here," Johnny said, his voice trembling.

"Came to annoy you guys, you looked lonely, plus I'm after a pack of cancer sticks, you got any?" She said and exhaled smoke into their faces.

"We ain't got any, sorry," Ponyboy apologized.

"It's fine kid," she said with a small smirk and stomped on the butt of her cigarette with her heel.

"What are you doing out here anyway, it's one in the morning, won't your parents be wanting ya," she suggested and shoved her hands into her pockets.

"Mine don't exactly like me in the house and well, his are dead," Johnny says in a low voice. Nice going Jamie.

"Fuck, sorry man, didn't mean to say that." She spoke and scratched the back of her neck. There was a moment of silence.

"I don't think I've seen you before. Where are you from?" Pony asked to break the tension.

"New York. Just got here tonight, it was a quick as train, took me three hours, must have been an express." She says and finally climbs up to sit with them on the monkey bars.

"What brought you here, a shitty town like this. You really gotta be in a fucked-up situation to wanna stay here." Pony said to her with a laugh. She debated whether to tell them, I mean they had told her about their parents and after all, they were just kids.

"My mom is an asshole, she likes to take out her dumb actions on me, so I left, plus I kept getting thrown in jail, so I figured running was a smart idea." She spoke. Best keep up her reputation of a tough asshole.

"Guessing that's why you dress and act the way you do," said Johnny looking at her outfit. It wasn't the most feminine thing, but it kept her warm and she looked tuff.

"You gotta problem with it," she said glaring at him with attitude spread on her face.

"No, I think it's tough. It's looks good on you. Not like other girls, I dig, you're a total grease," He replied quick and nervously, constant assurance can be shown when someone feels nervous or threatened.

"First thing you gotta know about me, I'm not like most girls," she said and swung her legs slightly in the breeze.

"Most girls don't go to jail," Pony mumbled under his breath.

"Exactly." She replied with a slight smirk showing off her dimples. The three continued conversing for a while maybe another 30 minutes. having a good time and laughing their asses off. Until they heard a car start up.

"Hey red, ain't that your car," Johnny asked pointing to the car Jamie was using.

"Nope, stole it." She replied and held her hand out,

"You guys sure you ain't got any cigs, I'm dying," she said desperately, she hadn't gone this long without a cigarette in a while.

"Let me check," Johnny said and reached into his pocket he pulled out a half-smoked butt,

"Thanks man," she said and lit it, inhaling almost immediately.

"Where are you staying tonight?" Pony asked and rubbed his arms, trying to keep warm.

"Jesus' kid, you might just freeze to death." She whispered and handed him her jacket.

"I'll find somewhere on the street to sleep, no biggie, I've done it before," she exhaled and dropped the now finished butt.

"You can stay at mine, you too Johnnycakes, you guys ought to freeze in this weather," Pony offered.

"Kid, that's sweet of you but I'm pretty sure your brothers wouldn't appreciate me being there." Jamie says with a small smile, no one had ever offered to do something nice for her.

"No, my brothers wouldn't care, plus I know you really well now, I trust that you ain't gonna kill us, also you'll make a great addition to the group." He said with a small smirk.

"Yeah, it would be fun to have you there I wouldn't be alone in the living room," Johnny said with a small show of a grin. First time she had seen a genuine smile from him all night.

"Come on please, you are gonna die out here, it's that fucking cold," Pony exclaimed in a desperate voice.

"Jeez calm down Pony I'll go. C'mon Johnnycakes," Jamie said and jumped down, nearly falling over. Her and Johnny trailed after Pony as he led the way to his house. 

Word count: 1032

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