Chapter 12

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Jamie woke up the next morning with tear stains down her face and puffy red eyes.

"This is the last time I cry over a boy," she muttered to herself and rubbed her eyes trying to rid the puffiness.

"Hey, red, you in there?" Someone asked through the door in a small, quiet voice. Ponyboy.

"Yeah, Pony you can come in," she whispered back in a cracked voice and rubbed her face some more. Pony walked in and shut the door behind him. He had a cut under his neck and had a bruise lining his jaw.

"What happened to your face Pone?" Jamie asked with an amused voice.

"I got jumped by a few Socs yesterday before I got home. shocked you didn't notice," he said with a slight laugh.

"I was a bit preoccupied, yesterday, sorry Pony," Jamie said and grabbed her DX shirt from her cupboard.

"About yesterday, actually earlier this morning," Pony started.

"Oh, shit Pony you weren't meant to hear that," Jamie butted in.

"But I did. So, I'm here to talk to you about what he said," Pony finished.

"I'm not talking about, Pony, it doesn't matter that much," she said with a laugh, trying to blow off the seriousness of the situation.

"Come on James, you're gonna talk about it at some point may as well say it now," Pony tried to convince her.

"Ponyboy, I'm not putting my personal problems onto your young mind," she explained, getting a little fired up.

"I'm not a little kid no more. You can tell me Jamie, it's not healthy to hold it in." he persisted.

"Ponyboy Curtis, I've said it twice now. I ain't talking about it with you. It ain't nothing that concerns you. Now leave it be," she snapped. She didn't mean to, but it was still a sensitive topic.

Pony shied away after that, knowing that he had pushed it too far.

"Sorry Jamie," he apologized and left.

She shook her head, disappointed in herself for snapping. God she's really messing up.

"Fuck my life," she muttered and grabbed her cap, putting it on backwards before she walked out her room to grab some cake for breakfast. Note to self: apologize to Pony later.

"Morning Pepsi, you ready to go," Jamie said and shoved a piece of chocolate cake in her face.

"Yeah sure, Steve said he will meet us there, so we best be off. See ya later Pony, be good," Sodapop yelled, and they ran out the door.

"Steve and I are working out back today," Jamie said and took out a smoke, lighting it instantly.

"Why can't I work in the back?" Soda whined and turned onto the highway.

"Because I like cars, a lot, and you attract ladies like bees to honey. Steve and I not so much." she said with a laugh.

"First off, you're hot as and that's coming from a taken man. Second off, that's rude to Steve, at least he has a girlfriend and third, can we at least swap halfway through the day?" Sodapop begs.

"I'm flattered Soda, but it's not true, second I don't care if I'm rude and third, I guess we can swap during the day." she answered as they pulled off the highway and into the DX. It really was a short drive but then again Soda liked to speed a lot so it may have just been that. Jamie dropped her cigarette but, on the ground, and stomped on it with the heel of her R.M. William boots. They were on sale so naturally she stole them.

"You have a lot of cars to get through today, a lot were dropped off yesterday afternoon," the boss said as the two walked in.

"Yes sir," James said and walked into the back seeing Steve had already started on the many cars lined up in the garage.

"How many we got today, Stevie?" Jamie asks and leans against the hood of the car looking in to see what was wrong.

"We got twelve today, should take 6 hours if we work hard," he said and cut out a wire from the car.

"What ones need the most work?" Jamie asked as she went over to their shared toolbox to pick out a few things.

"The last five, they all have shit transmissions, and a few have broken belts," Steve answered his head inside the hood of the car.

"Okay, I'll get to work," James said and walked to the cars.

The two work for hours. Soda and Steve kept swapping, but Jamie wanted to work on her cars, once she was involved, she stuck with it.

"Hey Soda, Jamie, the hobos are here," Steve said as he cleaned his hands from all the grease that layered them. Jamie had already cleaned her hands and was now eating some chips from the rack.

"Is it Pony and Johnny?" Jamie exclaimed as she jumped out the door to see who it was. She was indeed correct to guess that Ponyboy and Johnny were there, but it wasn't just them. There was also Dallas.

"Pony, Johnny... Winston," Jamie said and gave the two younger boys a tight hug.

"Hey, you coming to the daily double tonight?" Pony asked.

"Aww hell, why not," she said with a small smile.

"Hey, Steve, Soda, treat your costumers, I got stuff to do," Jamie says and lights a cigarette. She walks inside and straight towards the storage rooms of the DX. She slid down the wall and smoked her cigarette in silence. It was nice in there. Dark, quiet and it locked from the inside. It was her favorite place to smoke. She needed to get away from Dally, she needed to think. She sat there for ten minutes, letting thoughts run through her head. What if she was wrong, what if she did the wrong thing by yelling at Dally. What if she really was the problem, and everyone was affected by her. Finally, she finished thinking got up and unlocked the door, she walked into the bathroom, threw water on her face, and walked back out to the cars. When she got back to the boys, it went silent.

"Where did you go?" Dallas asked after a few seconds.

"Nowhere that matters," she said and lit another smoke, they really were addictive.

"When does the movie start?" she asked the younger boys.

"At 6:00 and it is now 5:30," Johnny answered.

"Well then we best be off, my friends," she said and threw her arm around Johnny.

"Anyone else coming?" she asked but regretted right after.

"Yeah, I am," Dallas said.

"Great, Soda, Steve, what about you?" Jamie asked and kicked a rock that was poking out of the ground.

"No, we're going with our girls, we might see you there though," Steve said.

"Okay see ya later," Jamie said as the four walked towards the Drive in.

Word count: 1107

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