Chapter 5

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Jamie had just finished work and jumped in the truck with Sodapop and Steve.

"Thanks for the smokes today, also the ride," she said to Soda. After a full day of knowing the boys, she had learnt a lot about them. The three mainly joked around for most of the day but there were a few real conversations, which consisted of asking Jamie all about her life in New York and how she met Pony. To which she hesitantly answered.

"All good, most of the group are smokers too," Soda said flashing his movie smile.

"And you ain't?" she asked sarcastically.

"No, affects my strength," he said and held his arms up showing his muscles.

"Like you have any, you can't even win an arm wrestle." Steve said and slapped his arm. There was a moment of silence.

"Are you going to daily double?" Steve asked and turned to James.

"What's the daily double?" She asked and shoved her hands in her pockets, her face showing confusion.

"Two movies play every night at the drive in, Ponyboy and Johnny are going too," Sodapop answered. She thought for a moment, she hadn't seen a movie in ages, plus it might be fun to hang out with the boys.

"Yeah, I guess I'll go, only because Pony and Johnny are going," she said as all three of them arrived at the house.

"Hey Pony, how was your day off?" Sodapop asked as he walked through the door.

"It was good, Johnny and I caused a ruckus in town, it got boring by the end of it." He replied. He looked up to see Jamie in her DX uniform. As soon as he saw her, he smiled. Pony felt a weird connection towards the girl, like they had been friends all their life, a secret sister he never had. Even though they had only spent four hours together, he felt interconnected, hoping she felt the same way.

"Hey Buddy, how you going," Jamie said to him, as she pulled him into a tight hug.

"What did you do in town?" She asked as she pulled away from him and sat on the couch, slinging her arms around the back.

"Not much, just being a nuisance," He responded with a small smile. Even after hanging out with some of the boys for only one day, she felt home. More than her house at New York ever felt.

"I'm coming to the daily movie thing tonight, it might be fun to annoy some high-class assholes," she said with a grin.

"Sounds fun, Johnny's coming too, he's just at home at the moment, he should be here soon," Pony said and twiddled his thumbs.

"let's go get him then," she said and jumped up, her shirt falling off her shoulder, showing a dark tattoo.

"You have a tattoo?" Pony asked and looked at the mark. It showed a small moon with stars surrounding it.

"Yeah, it got it done after my sibling passed, her name was Luna." She said and reminisced on the small number of memories she shared with her, most were stargazing, hence the tattoo.

"That's tuff, I always wanted a tattoo." Pony said and looked at his feet.

"Hurts like a bitch. Now, let's go get Johnny." She replied and marched out the door, grabbing her jacket and flipping her hat backwards.

Later that night

It was night now, Johnny, Pony and Jamie had just made it inside the drive-in theatre without being caught.

"When did you find that hole in the fence?" Jamie asked as they walked over to the seats and sat behind some Socs.

"Our friend Dally found it a while ago," Pony answered, and sat down next to her, Johnny on the other side of him.

"I knew a guy named Dally; he was a real cock knocker," she said with a goofy smile, the kind that made her cheeks puff out.

"Our Dal is the same," Johnny said with a smile on his face.

Jamie felt adventurous tonight and quickly flicked the Socs head in front of her before leaning back again. The Soc looked around and behind her, she looked at Jamie who had a smirk on her face. The girl just stared at Jamie.

"Sorry did I hit ya, my apologies," she said sarcastically.

"Just watch yourself hood," the girl said and turned around again. Jamie felt like taking it that one step and flicked her again.

"What did I just say," the girl said and stood up, Jamie just laughed. The Soc walked away with her friend glued to her side.

"I'm gonna go get popcorn and drinks, you want anything?" Johnny asked, and Jamie passed him a dollar.

"That should be enough to cover all of us, found it on the street this morning." She said and leant back on her chair, hands resting behind her head. Johnny came back with three cokes and three popcorns. The kids sat and watched the movie. About halfway through the movie they heard a voice calling Johnny's name.

"Hey Johnny, hey Pony," The unknown voice said, it sounded almost familiar to Jamie.

"Hey Dal, I thought you were still in the cooler," Ponyboy said turning around and facing the stranger. Jamie's eyes stayed glued to the movie, not wanting to know if her suspicions were true.

"Johnny man how you going," the guy said and gave the boy a firm handshake.

"So, who's the broad," he said and nodded his head towards Jamie. She slightly turned her head towards him just enough so he could get a glimpse at her face. He knew who she was instantly, and a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. You finally got out of New York I see, Miss Red," he spoke to her and slowly sat down beside her, calling her a name she dreaded.

"You know each other?" Ponyboy questioned and looked at the two confused.

"Sadly," Jamie mumbled and kicked her feet up on the seat on front of her.

"Seems you haven't changed a bit." Dallas said as he pulled a cigarette out of the box and lit it.

"And you have?" She questioned sarcastically and stole his cigarette for a drag, quickly giving it back. Pony and Johnny just watched in silence, stunned that they knew each other.

"See you kept your hair the same," he said and lifted up a small clump of hair that drooped over her face. In a swift movement she flicked out her switch, stood up, and cut off a small, short chunk of his hair.

"Touch my hair again and you will lose all of yours, pretty boy," she said dropping the hair in his lap and storming off quickly. Another thing to know about Red, you don't touch her hair unless you're looking for trouble.

Word count: 1102

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