Chapter 10

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It had been two weeks since that night, when everything had changed. It meant something to her, something more than friendship almost. So, most of the time they would hang out at night and flirt during the day. It was shocking both of them. They were so unlike this. Jamie had always been stuck up and had a great guard and Dallas had always been the same maybe worse. Other than the Dallas situation, James had been staying at the Curtis house and paying rent regularly, she had become friends with all of the boys and Darry had become a father figure to her, almost. Today was gonna be a normal day. Jamie would go to work, hang out with Soda, and get an occasional visit from someone. That's what she thought anyway.

"Hey Soda, what day is it?" Jamie asked as she walked out from the garage and grabbed a Coke.

"It is Friday and tomorrow we are both working with Steve," he said and put money in the register.

"Lucky you're here to remember my shifts. I would be completely lost without you." She said and pinched his cheek as he smiled.

She walked outside and sat down on the curb. She was watching cars pass by on the highway but then a fancy 1966 Cadillac pulled into the gas station. That was how the Socs worked if they didn't have a mustang, they had a Cadillac. A guy, around her age, dressed in a sweater with his collar of his shirt poking out the top. Tan slacks and newly polished shoes headed towards the store. He looked too superior to be here.

"Hey red your taking register, I'm going on a break." Sodapop yelled from inside.

"Okay," she mumbled back to him. Jamie didn't know what it was but something about this guy made her stare, and it wasn't a good thing. Jamie ran inside and made the counter clean. She may not have a good feeling about this guy, but she still had to seem respectable. The guy walked inside and sat on one of the stools in front of her.

"Can I help ya?" Red asked, her accent showing through.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could come and clean my windshield. I would do it myself, but I can't risk getting wet," he said and put a lollipop on the bench.

"Also, I want one of these," he said and gave her a sly smirk. His voice sounded sly, and he spoke in a low tone, almost evil. He sounded like the type of guy who didn't use his voice much and when he did it wasn't for good intentions.

"Yeah sure," Jamie said in a monotone and scanned the sucker. They both walked outside, and she started to clean his windshield. James could feel eyes burning into her figure, mainly her ass. She slightly glanced back at the guy and tell him looking at her butt, not even trying to hide it.

"Is that all today?" she asked and put the cleaner back in the bucket full of soap.

"No, could I also get the windows done." he said finally looking at her face. What a fucking creep.

"No sorry, I won't clean your windows while you stare at my ass," she said and threw the bucket full of water at him. He grabbed her wrist and gave her a deadly glare.

"I thought I said I didn't want to get wet," he growled in her face.

"Yeah, and I want a million bucks, but we don't always get what we want." she said and tried to pull her wrist back, but he used the force and pulled her closer and grabbed her ass. Pushing her so close that her chest was squished into his. That was when her instincts kicked in. She used her free hand to punch him in the nose, getting his grip free. once he stumbled back, she pulled out her switch and held it to his throat.

"I'll cut you and I won't fucking regret it." She spat through her teeth.

"Sure, you will sweetheart," he said and with that he collapsed on the ground in front of her.

"Sweetheart is her thing," Dallas said in a low voice as he looked down at the guy, who was now scrambling to his car.

"Dallas," Jamie said and jumped into his arms. She doesn't know why but it felt right, and she was so scared.

"You okay there, Miss red?" He asked and held her close to him. Her legs wrapped around his waist and his arms around her stomach.

"Oh Dally, I was so scared. He was touching me, and nobody has done that, ever." She said and cuddled into him closer.

"You sure didn't seem scared doll, you had him wetting his pants," he laughed and pulled her back. She looked on the brink of tears. Red never cries so this must have been big to her.

"It's okay doll, you can cry to me," he whispered to her and held her face into the crook of his neck. He shouldn't be doing this. He can't fall for her; she would drop him as soon as she found out his feelings. Eww, he had feelings beyond just sex. What was happening to him? This bitch really had an effect on him.

"No, no I can't dry to you. I have to work." she said and wiped her eyes one last time before quickly shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Doll, why don't I stay with you today, huh, make sure there are no more creeps," Dallas suggested and put his arms around her waist.

"No, I'll be fine, I just needed a hug. I'll be okay," she said and pushed him off, heading inside.

"Please Jamie, let me stay, I'll hang around in the back of the shop, I won't even bother you, I just wanna know that you're okay." He said desperately and grabbed her arm before she could walk too far.

"Why do you care, Dallas, all you care about is looking good and tough, since when did that all change?" She spoke. Jamie didn't want to be rude right now, but she just wasn't gonna trust him like that, because if she trusted him with this, she would trust him with other things and that would just lead to her falling in love with him again and she didn't want to do that.

"Fine, I'll leave, if that's what you want," he said sounding a little hurt, and with that he walked off. Hurt and broken. He never had a chance, and he knew it.

Word count: 1085

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