Chapter 9

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Red woke up drenched in sweat and looked at the clock next to the bed.

"12:30, what the fuck." She mumbled and got up, she was in jeans and her DX shirt.

"Shit I gotta wash this before tomorrow," she mumbled and got up taking off the shirt and the white singlet underneath, leaving her in her white bra. She got out of her jeans threw on her newly bought shorts so that she could wash her jeans as well.

She got up and walked into the laundry room putting the two shirts and jeans in the machine and setting it to a quick wash. She needed them by morning. After putting the clothes in the wash, she walked into the kitchen to see if the shirts she stolen earlier were there. She found them both and started to walk back to her room. She heard light footsteps behind her and turned around, pretty much running into Dallas.

"What are you doing awake?" she asked him and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"I heard you stumbling around, wanted to make sure you were okay," he said and grabbed under her elbows, looking down at her softly.

"Since when did you care," she said and lightly pushed him off, not wanting to play the game he had won before.

"Ever since you breathed in so many car fumes that you went psycho." He said and followed her as she walked into her room.

"That's why I woke up," she whispered to herself.

"Just wanted to ask, where is your shirt?" Dallas asked looking down at her... chest.

"I put them in the wash, I woke up sweaty." She said feeling the instant need to cover up her chest.

"It's okay princess, I think they're cute," Dally said as he walked out of the room with a wink. Jamie just shook her head.

Thirty minutes passed and Jamie had just pulled the shirts out of the washer and into the dryer, putting it on the second fastest setting. Hopefully, they would be done in another thirty minutes, because James was tired of waiting. She had a snack and went back to her room to read for a little. After twenty minutes of reading, she went to check on the clothes. The timer had just gone off, so she pulled the shirts out and put them in her room.

"You know you should be a lot quieter when you wake up in the middle of the night, it disturbs everyone," Dally said, while flipping through a book that was beside her bed.

"Could you stop coming in my room," Jamie growled and snatched the book out of his hands. The Picture of Dorian Grey, what a good book. It may have been shocking but Jamie had a thing for classic books, Jane Austin especially.

"First off, it's not nice to snatch and second, this ain't your room, meaning I can do whatever I want," he replied and lit a cigarette.

"Fine, but you gotta give me your smoke," she replied and took a drag of his smoke.

"Whatever, also you should really take your shirt off again you look hot." He said bluntly and stole his cancer stick back. Jamie just shook her head and put the clothes in the small closet that was there.

"I'm going to bed, do whatever you want," Jamie said turning off the light and crawling into the bed and rolling onto her side, back facing Dally.

Dally looked at her. The small scars and moles on her back. It was cute. He decided that this would be a great time to annoy her.

He reached across and started tracing the lines on her back.

"What are you doing Dallas?" She asked, her eyes still shut.

"Tracing your back scars coz, I'm bored," he whispered softly. Jamie smiled at how sweet he was being. Then she remembered all he had put her through. All the pain and trauma. The fear to trust anyone else ever again. Oh, hell what does it matter. She was already dying on the inside.

"I'll tell you what each one is," she whispered back in the same tone.

"Okay," he said and started tracing one that was on her right shoulder.

"That was when my mum threw glass at me." She said quietly.

"Sorry," he said and moved onto the next one. It was in the middle of her back a long scratch from one side to the other.

"You remember Derek? That was when we go into a fight," she said to him. When there was a fight in New York, it was either between her and Dallas, or her and Dallas against Derek and his gang of four. Although they hate each other, they were the only people they could rely on in New York. It was a love hate relationship. They would go through good phases where they were friends and would fight others together. Then there were the bad phases when one of them would do something to the other and they would fight just for the sake of it.

"Derek was such an asshole, he tried to hit on you so many times," Dally said and kept tracing her back.

"Like you didn't," Jamie replied with a small laugh,

"Yeah, but we hung out more, it was more appropriate for me to do it," he replied, and Jamie turned to face him.

"Is that how it works, huh?" Jamie asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You did it to me too," Dally said with a smirk.

"I guess that's true," she said and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"What was that for?" Dally asked and pulled her closer to him,

"You're really warm right now," James replied and pulled herself even closer. Their noses almost touching,

"You know Jamie, you can be really adorable sometimes, an absolute asshole but still cute. You ain't like any girl I've known," Dally said softly and tucked a small piece of hair behind her ear.

"That's because no girl is like me," she whispered and Dally leant up to her lips, nearly touching them.

"We shouldn't Dallas," James mumbled. She wanted to kiss him, but she wasn't ready for it.

"Tell me why," He asked slightly annoyed.

"If you are gonna be pissed because I didn't kiss you, you can leave," Jamie spoke sternly.

"I'm not annoyed, I just wanna know why," he said and let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

"I'm not ready yet." James said quietly, ashamed.

"Well, I'll wait," he whispered and gave her a hug.

The two stayed up until the sun rose, just enjoying each other's company. they would talk and laugh with each other. Jamie even read her book to Dallas while she played with his hair. Unusual for both of them to be so delicate, but it felt right.

Word count: 1111 :)

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