Chapter 21

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The doctor had come back in and given Jamie the forms to sign. After signing and giving them back, she was able to leave. Her and Mary-Ann walked up to one of the pay phones and called the Curtis residence.

"Hello, this Sodapop Curtis," finally someone answered.

"Hey Soda, can you send someone to pick me up, I get to come home," Jamie claimed and shook her arm excitedly.

"Yeah, sending someone over now, later," Sodapop said and hung up before she could say goodbye.

"Rude," Jamie mumbled and put the phone back on the hook.

"Someone should be here soon, let's go sit outside," Jamie said to Mary-Ann and grabbed her hand. They walked outside and found a bench to sit on.

"You don't mind if I have a smoke, do you?" Jamie asked and took a cigarette out.

"No, go ahead," Mary replied and scooched further down the bench.

"Sorry sweetheart," she apologized. Once Jamie had finished her cigarette a car pulled up in front of them.

"I'm looking for a Jamie Forrest and a Mary-Ann don't know her last name," Dallas said poking his head out the window.

"It's Mary-Ann Winston" Mary yelled back. Jamie looked down at herwith a smile. Mary knew that the two young adults were going to end up togetherregardless. Dally got out the car and walked up to the two girls.

"Hiya princess," he greeted and ruffled Mary's hair.

"Hiya doll," he whispered and gave James a kiss on the forehead.

"Hi Dal, thanks for pickin' us up." Jamie said and gave him a smile.

"No worries," he responded, and they all walked to the car. After a longish drive, they arrived home to everyone watching TV.             

"Your favorite's back," Mary-Ann yelled as she ran inside to go hug Steve.

"Oh, hey darling, what took you so long? Your mom's been keeping you away for too long," Steve glared at Jamie.

"Last time I checked she wanted to stay with me," James argued, and Steve just scoffed. He muttered something to Mary, and she just giggled.

"Jeez Steve, I didn't know you were good with kids," Two exclaimed and took a sip of beer.

"Yeah, maybe you're gonna have to stay here instead of going to the rumble," Jamie laughed and grabbed a beer herself.

"No way, I am going to that rumble, you're the one staying behind, you have a broken arm," Steve countered.

"Why don't Johnny and Pony stay home, they could look after her," Jamie suggested with a smirk.

"Yeah, I don't want either of you going to the rumble, you're both out of shape. I don't want you worse than you already are," Darry agreed.

"Hey but Jamie has a broken arm she can't go," Dally put in.

"Fine, Johnny, Pony, and I will stay here to take care of Mary-Ann, Plus Tim doesn't like me anyway," Jamie accepted.

"How do you know Tim?" Soda asked.

"We got into a fight one time, no biggie," Jamie muttered but brushed it off.

"How did you know we were with him anyway?" Steve asked and picked Mary-Ann up.

"Well, it's Soc against grease and he's the only other group you know," she explained.

"Alright, enough fighting, we got a rumble to go to," Two shouted and jumped up from his spot on the couch.

"Later haters," Jamie shouted and closed the door behind them. Jamie ran into her room and pulled off her shirt she had worn for a week. She had a quick change and put on new jeans, shirt, and her fighting jacket. There was a difference between her leather jacket and her fighting jacket. Her leather one was for daily use. The fighting one was flexible, easy to wash and hard to stain.

"Later boys, bye sweetie, I'll see you all soon," Jamie said while walking down the hallway, towards the front door.

"You're going to the rumble, aren't you?" Pony said and lit a cigarette away from Mary-Ann.

"You bet, make sure she's in bed by 8:30, any later and I'll kick your asses," James yelled and slammed the door shut behind her.

She ran towards the abandoned lot. If there was ever gonna be a rumble, it was gonna be there. And she was right. From a distance she could see all the boys lined up ready to fight. She could see Darry and a guy talking.

"A RUMBLE AIN'T A RUMBLE WITHOUT ME!" she yelled as she punched a guy in the face. That's when the fight began. Greasers were starting off a little weak, but the Socs were weaker. Darry was beating guys left and right, I guess working on roofs gave him an advantage. Dallas was hitting people so hard they couldn't see. Steve was losing a little bit but then he managed to find his way back on top. Soda was defending all the other greasers and helping those who needed it. Two-bit had his fighting face on, so you knew he was working hard. That left Jamie who had no struggles whatsoever. You would be lucky if you got a punch on her. Growing up in New York with Dallas as a friend and hoods fighting you every second, they could, it was easy to win a fight. Then it started to stop. There were less and less Socs until there were none.

"WE WON," Jamie shouted and threw her arms up in the air but quickly realizing that one was still broken.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE JAMIE?" Soda yelled and walked towards her.

"I wanted to fight," she shrugged. Then she felt a solid whack to her face.


"Okay, I deserved that," she muttered and rubbed her jaw.

"Did you really think she was gonna stay home?" Two interrupted. All the boys sighed, knowing that two was correct.

"I guess he's right," Dallas mumbled and gave Jamie a tight hug. The group all laughed, and they started to walk back to the house, Dal and Jay trailing behind.

"Sorry for punching your face," Dallas apologized.

"It's okay, I kinda deserved it," she laughed.

"So um, I was wondering would you like to start over?" He hesitantly asked her.

"Like completely?" She enquired.

"Yeah. Like all the stuff in the past, we forget about," he answered.

"I guess we could," she smiled. It was a good starting point in what she wanted to be a healthy relationship.

"Well then, Hello, I'm Dallas Winston. I was born and raised in New York, Brooklyn. I like to smoke and enjoy a good game of pool. I have a gang of guys that I hang out with, and I have known them ever since I moved here." He introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Dallas, I am Jamie-Lynn Forrest and surprisingly I was born in Brooklyn too. I do like to have a good smoke and I got admit pool's not really my thing, but I do like a bit of poker. I have a soon to be adopted daughter named Mary-Ann and I have a gang that I'm a part of. Do you want to come see them with me?" she asked politely.

"I'd love to," he held out his arm for her to grab. They linked arms and walked into the Curtis house.

"Well, well, well, looks like we have the same friend group," he whispered in her ear.

"Seems we do," she mumbled back and smiled at him.

This new Dallas boy seemed to be quite a treat.

Word count: 1223

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