Chapter 16

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The stars were now high in the sky and Jamie was sitting against a tree outside making sure no one else was at the church.

"You know red, you don't have to sit out here in the cold," Johnny said and sat next to her.

"I'm doing it to protect you. You don't know if there is someone living around here," Jamie said and looked back at the view.

"Fine, if you're out here so am I," Johnny said and sat down next to her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Hey Johnny, I have a question to ask you." She spoke in a soft tone.

"What is it?" he asked nervously.

"I don't know how to put this, so I'm gonna be blunt. Do you like Ponyboy, more than a friend?" she asked, trying to be sincere.

"NO! Maybe. yes? I don't know," he says confused and scratches the back of his next.

"Oh sweetheart, come here," Jamie said in her sweet mum voice. She pulled Johnny into a big cuddle and rested her head on his.

"I like him, I really do but I don't think he likes me, at all." Johnny cried. He must have liked him for a while.

"Oh, Johnny are you joking. Did you see how he looked at you today when he found out you knew about the book. He was blushing as much as you," she spoke with a soft chuckle.

"Do you think so?" He said with a small sniffle.

"Of course, hon," James said and wiped his eyes.

"Now Johnny, I'm gonna tell you this because I wasn't," she said, getting serious. He looked up at her with his puppy dog eyes.

"Whatever your heart tells you, do it. Don't be afraid of the consequence. And remember, you only live once." She said and held him close to her body. He needed love, even if it was by a girl, he met barely a month ago.

"Thank you, Jay," Johnny said and stood up. Jamie loved her new nickname.

"We should go back inside," He suggested and wiped his eyes again.

"Remember that I love you, no matter what." She said and ruffled his hair, pushing him a little bit. When the two entered a sudden wave of sleepiness washed over Jamie's body and as soon as she fell on the chair, she was asleep.

When Jamie woke up the next morning, she could hear the boys mumbling to each other. They were so cute but sadly, the day had to go on.

"Okay boys, stop flirting we gotta get this show on the road. Pony you're up first." Jamie said and pulled an old stool into the center of the old pews, flicking open her switchblade.

"Seriously Jamie, is it needed," he whines.

"I'll tell you the same thing I told you yesterday, don't disagree with me on this, otherwise you are gonna have no hair at all," Jamie said and pointed to the stool in front of her.

"Johnny, would you like to do the honors," she asked with a cheeky smirk.

"Okay, Pony, I'm sorry if this hurts," he said and started chopping at his hair with her switch. Jamie couldn't wait for them to date. If her love life wasn't going right at least someone else's were. After a few minutes, Pony's hair had been cut and now Jamie was putting bleach into it.

"Now while that sits, let's do Johnny's hair, I'm cutting." Jamie said with a smile. And with that she started chopping away.

"Your hair looks really good short Johnny, what do you think Pone," Jamie asked with a fake questioning voice.

"I think it looks great, Johnnycakes," Pony says with a small grin of admiration.

"It's been about 20 minutes; Pony go wash that out then we can do my hair." Jamie suggested and took the boys out to the pump.

"Make sure to wash it really good and, here, use my shirt to dry it." Jamie said taking off her shirt and throwing her jacket back over her chest.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna get your shirt wet?" Pony asked, how courteous.

"Yeah, it's fine. I was gonna use it anyway." She replied and held the shirt waiting for Pony to finish.

"Shirt." Pony said and grasped the towel from Jamie's hand.

"Let's see then." Jamie said as Pony stood up.

"This should do it," Johnny said and showed Pony his new hairstyle in a broken mirror.

"Oh shit, if your hair looks bad mine's gonna look even worse," Red joked and ruffled his hair.

"Your turn," Johnny said with a laugh and handed the switch to Ponyboy.

"Remember Pony, the shortest is shoulder length." James spoke firmly. She acted like she was gonna hurt Pony but in all honest whatever her gave her was fine. She would love it no matter what because it was done by one of her boys. It had been about thirty minutes and Pony had just finished.

"I gave you a fringe, I hope you don't hate it," Pony said warily.

"No stress Pone, it looks really good Jay," Johnny said and pat Pony's back.

"Let's bleach shall we," Johnny advised and grabbed the second bottle of peroxide.

"Just to let you guys know I bought a camera for us to take photos," she said and felt the bleach fall onto her head. It had been so long since she dyed her hair.

"Ooo, I'm gonna go set it up." Pony said and ran inside the church. It was silent between Johnny and James, but they both knew what they wanted to talk about.

"I got it working, it's a really good camera, how much did you get it for?" Pony asked and took a photo of the other two.

"I got it for free, all it cost me was my fake diamond earrings," she spoke with a laugh.

"So, you still have the fifty bucks?" Johnny asked and washed his hands in the pump.

"Yeah," she said and held out the fifty note. Pony took it and put it inside. The others following behind him. Thirty minutes passed and the three were all outside washing out Jamie's hair. She dried her hair and looked in the broken mirror.

"Oh, my lord, Pony, it doesn't look terrible." She said and ran her hands through it.

"I think you could be a hair stylist," she said with a laugh.

"You think so?" Pony said and took a drag of his smoke.

"Yeah, it looks really good," Jamie said with a big smile. She hadnoticed that Pony was looking back at Johnny who was walking out of the church.He definitely likes him.

Word count: 1102 

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