Chapter 13

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The four arrived at the movies and sat down to watch. The first movie had the wonderful Marilyn Monroe in it. She was so gorgeous. Jamie just adored her.

"Who wants a coke?" Johnny asked getting out of his seat.

"I'll pay, I got two bucks, get coke and popcorn for everyone," Jamie said and gave Johnny the note that she had stolen from some random lady's handbag.

"Thanks Red," Johnny said and walked off.

"Wait Johnny I'll come with you," Pony said and sped up out of his seat. An awkward silence began when the two younger boys left.

"So" Dallas said, but Jamie didn't answer.

"I want to talk about last night," he started again.

"Well, I don't." Jamie butted in; Dallas was silent.

"Frankly, I don't wanna talk to you at all right now," she continued and stayed staring at the large screen.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk to me, I'll talk to someone else," Dally muttered and started harassing the girl in front of him. She looked oddly familiar. It was that bitch that James annoyed last time she was here.

"We're back," Pony said and handed Jamie her coke and popcorn.

"Thanks Pony," she muttered and shoved some popcorn in her mouth.

"You, okay?" Pony asked quietly, quite concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said and gave him a slight smile. Pony nodded and turned back to the movie.

"I just wanna say sorry for this morning, I didn't mean to snap," she muttered, her face glued to the screen.

"It's fine," he chuckled and kept watching the movie.

They had been watching the movie for another thirty minutes now and Jamie had managed to finish three cigarettes and her popcorn. Dallas had gone to get drinks for that ugly red headed tramp and her friend who was super sweet.

"I thought a coke might cool you down," Dallas said as he gave a coke to the bitch, Jamie never took time to learn names of assholes, with the exception of Dallas. The red head threw the coke right back at Dal and then he started to get in her face. Jamie had had enough of seeing him tonight, she wanted him gone.

"Leave her alone Winston," Jamie said through gritted teeth, standing up from her chair.

"Why what you gonna do, pull your switch on me?" he questioned in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, I am," she said and flicked out her hand made blade.

"And you know I'm the best knife handler around," she said and held it straight at him.

"Fine, I'll go, I know when I'm not wanted," he said and walked away from the group.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much, I..." Ranger pubes said.

"Shut up sweetheart, I'm just as much of a hood as he is," Jamie spat and sat back down in her chair, immediately shutting the red head up.

"Why don't you guys sit down here with us, we'd be glad to have ya," the best friend asked.

"I'm gonna go find Two bit, see ya later guys," Jamie said and went off to find her friend. If it weren't Pony, James would have been best friends with two, he was exactly who she wanted to be.

"Hey, red, where you going on this fine evening?" Two-bit asked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Came to find you and your beer," she replied with a smile and took one of his beers.

"I stole those you know," he said in a whiney voice.

"And I stole one back," she said cracking open the can and sculled majority of it.

"Woah, I ain't ever seen a girl do that," Two said drunk off his ass.

"I'm full of surprises," she said and drank the rest.

"I'm gonna go see Johnny and Pony, you coming?" he asked and started to walk away,

"No, I'm good, thanks for the beer though," Jamie said as she held up a half empty beer case that she had stolen from Two.

"Hey, they were mine," He protested.

"I guess they just slipped into my hands," James joked as she walked away and out of the movie lot. She arrived at the abandoned lot, with a fresh beer in hand and a half smoked weed between her lips.

"Oh shit," she sighed as she sat down on the old couch.

"It's fuckin' cold," she muttered again and took a sip of her beer and realized it was finished. Time for the last one. She lit a fire and laid down, warming up. It had been about fifteen minutes when Jamie started to hear footsteps.

"Look who's here," Jamie heard from a distance. It was a random guy she had run into one time, Tim his name was.

"Who are you?" she asked and looked up at him.

"I'm the guy who's tires you slashed," he said and crossed his arms, rolling up his sleeves. She hadn't slashed any tires recently, but Dallas had.

"I didn't know it was you, I just felt like slashing tires," Jamie said with a laugh, she had finished her last beer and was a little tipsy, not enough to hit him, but enough to say stupid shit.

"Yeah, well maybe you slashed the wrong guy's tires," Tim said as he held Jamie's jacket collar. Maybe defending Dallas was a bad idea. Why she did it the first place she had no clue.

"Maybe you shouldn't touch a girl," she said and punched his face. She may have been looking for a fight, but soon regretted it as soon as she felt a solid whack straight to her stomach. The two fought until, the Tim guy fell to the ground and James stood over him.

"Next time I slash something, it will be your neck," she said and kicked him in the guts. He quickly got up and left, most likely trying to find his gay ass friends.

"What did we miss," Pony asked as he sat down on the couch next to Johnny.

"Oh, just some guy complaining about his tires. He got my nose pretty good huh," she said and wiped the blood that was dripping down her face.

"You do realize that was Tim Shepard, the only group we have an alliance with?" Johnny said.

"Oh well, he can get fucked, what an asshat," Jamie said and sat down next to them.

The three had fallen asleep and the next time Jamie woke up was when Pony was shaking her saying that Darry had hit him.

"Dude you, okay?" she asked and rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah, just need to go for a walk, you wanna come?" He asked in a small voice.

"Sure buddy," she said and stood up. The three walked to the park and sat on the monkey bars that they had first met. All was calm until the young boys saw a blue mustang drive up onto the grass.

Word count: 1112

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