November 17, 2021
I think I've lost myself,
In this tornado of overbearing thoughts and
Talking to people I don't know and
Calling that courage
But not giving time to the ones that
Do matter.
Why do I keep clinging on,
I don't understand
But when I'm with you, the whole world
Slows down
There's never enough time for us
I want to know you better too
I'm tired, I want to rest,
Will you be there when the day's over?
The people who believe in me and
The people who sometimes don't
Both equally care...
Take it step by step,
Day by day,
Line by line,
Breath by breath,
I'm okay.

A Testament to When I Loved You
PoesíaA collection of poetry following the feelings of someone falling in love for the first time, although never quite making it anywhere, from the beginning to the end. Or, a testament to when I loved you without really understanding you. ----