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"I'm Athanasia, the girl who fell on top of you." Athanasia said with a troubled expression across her face.

What do I do?? Do I act clueless? Do I act like nothing happened? Huhu. Is this what Athanasia felt when she first met Claude and Felix?? I feel like I'm going to faint because of how heavy the pressure is!

"T-The angel?" I questioned which made the three of them pause.

I screamed inside my head. THE ANGEL?! ANGEL?! REALLY?! OUT OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD'VE SAID!! I mentally slapped myself. I wanted to cry because of how silent they were.

"An angel."

I looked at Claude who spoke, I mey his eyes that seems to be staring at me. I flinched and averted my eyes to Athanasia. My orbs widened when I saw how flustered she was because of what I said.

"I-I'm sorry! I really thought you were an angel.." I acted like I was flustered.


"I-It's okay. I thought you were a nymph because of how beautiful you looked!" She beamed cutely which sent a large pang in my heart.

I stopped myself from crashing to her because of how cute she really was. Such an actress you really are, Athanasia! I can finally tell why Claude adores you so much! I smiled before I started getting flustered when her compliment hit me.

"T-Thank you, Athanasia." My voice almost sounded like a whisper because of how flustered I was.

"Hehe!" She giggled with a bright smile across her face. Really, I almost fainted at the sight.

"Two annoying children conversing before me, what a sight."

The both of us flinched at Claude's sentence. I fiddled with my fingers nervously while looking down to my lap. I tried my best not to let out any noise for the sake of my life.

"Speak your name. Do you know why you're here?"

I was startled by his sudden question and abruptly raised my gaze and met a pair of blue jeweled eyes piercing down at me. I couldn't help but trembled beneath that intimidating stare of his.

"M-My name is A-Annalisa Portona.. I don't know why I'm here in an unknown place." I sulked while feeling like I'm shrinking on my spot.

"Portona? How insolent that family really is. They're still breathing just because of that wench's wish. They dare to hide away the child who shares my blood?" I tilted my head to the side in response.

Huh? What's he saying? The wench...Diana's wish? Hide away the child who shares his blood? Just what is he saying? There's no way Annalisa Portona is a member of the royal family! This is just a fanfic, the author never wrote anything about Annalisa being Claude's child! She doesn't even have blue jeweled eyes!

"As you lay on my bed, are you aware of who I am?" I felt my heart drop when that question escaped from his mouth.

"Your majesty, please be more gentle."

Why is his question... Why is his question so similar with the question he asked to Athanasia when they first met?! I trembled in fear as we stared at each other's eyes. I wanted to look away, but I can't, not when his gaze looked like he'd kill me if he did.

"I-I'm sorry... Are you the e-emperor? The red man keeps calling you, your majesty. Are you really the emperor?" I questioned cautiously while staring at his terrifying gaze.

"That's correct. I'm the emperor, Claude De Alger Obelia. The child you spoke informally with is the princess, Athanasia De Alger Obelia." He said which sent shivers down my spine.

A sudden part of my memories before I remembered my past ones, popped in my mind. Wait, father would always warn me to stay away from people who has blue jeweled eyes. Can I use that warning of his to bring him down? All he ever did to me and the original Annalisa was...traumatic.

"D-De Alger Obelia?? The surnames of the people my father warned me to stay away from??"

I questioned with fear while looking back to Claude and Athanasia, she had her eyes widened while he still had a blank expression across his face. It wasn't technically a lie, just similar with what father told me. If only I that memory appeared earlier..

"Heh. Comparing you and Athanasia to one another before me with such boldness, knowing that I won't lay a hand on them, how devious he really is." He said with a dark tone which made me flinch.


"Of course, your majesty." I glanced at the side and saw the red haired already leaving the room.

"May I ask what's wrong, your majesty?" I questioned with full curiosity since this scene was never related with the fanfic.

"Annalisa De Alger Obelia." I moved my gaze to him with my eyes widened in shock.

"P-Pardon me, your majesty?"

What? What's with that name? Don't tell me Annalisa's secretly Athanasia's sister?! No, that can't be. If it was the real Annalisa they're facing now, she would've burst into tears since she then will realize that the person she's been bullying is her own biological sister.

"Duke Portona had you hidden for so long. Tell me, what's your experience in that impertinent household?" I paused at his question.

Should I... Should I voice out how Annalisa's father had been treating her, ever since she regained consciousness of her actions? Wait. The answer's already simple. I'm the Annalisa now and I won't let myself endure the traumatic experience any longer.


My body shook as I tried to gain the courage to tell them about his actions. I failed to notice the small beads that are already forming in the corner of my eyes, until I felt a hand on mine which made me wince.

"Daddy, she's trembling.."



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