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"Happy birthday, little miss!" My maid, Yulia, greeted as soon as I opened my eyes.

"Thank you.."

I said as I rubbed my eyes before letting out a yawn. I felt myself getting lift up from the bed. They started undressing me and chaos started after they took away my undergarments.

They made me stay in a bath of rose petals for an hour. They made me sleep while they fix up my face. It was utter chaos, everything was flying everywhere. I'd always wonder why they'd make such fuss in every birthday I had.


"Where's the rose perfume?!"


"You're going to get us fired, Mel!"

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"

"Is the dress ready?!"

"Where's the little miss' shoes?!"

Yep, utter chaos. I mentally smiled to myself. It's been a few months since that day... I haven't saw a glimpse of Ijekiel ever since. Never once did father mention the Alpheus family. I just hope all of them forgot about the engagement.

They started dressing me up into a blue dress while tending my hair. I would always be amazed by how they can all multitask so messily and do it all perfectly in the end.

"The duke is asking for the little miss!"

When everyone heard that yell, their movements sped up. It was so surprising that I can't even function. I just let them do what they want with me. After all, this is Annalisa we're talking about, she needs to be perfect and patient.



"Such a masterpiece!"

I looked at myself in the mirror with wide eyes. Annalisa looks so gorgeous! I've never been this good looking in my whole entire life! Why did they even made such an effort for this birthday, anyways? I just smiled a little.

"Little miss, the duke is already getting impatient!"

I nodded before looking at my reflection. I turned around and stepped out of my room with the maids following me from behind. I made my way through the halls with a speed, until I finally reached the stairs.


I called out to the man who's on the end of the stairs. He looked up to me and his eyes widened. His mouth parted in shock, he muttered something underneath his breath before shaking his head.

"Quick, Annalisa. Everyone's waiting."

His words didn't surprise me one bit. He would always be like this to me, or rather, to Annalisa. I stared at him before forcing a smile. Too bad, he's not facing Annalisa. She'd already been gone in the first place.

"Yes, father."

I said as I walked down the stairs to him. He gave out his hand, I fought the urge to glare at him. I grabbed it before we made our way out of the house to our backyard, where everyone is waiting.

"I present to you, duke Carsein Portona, and his daughter, the little miss, Annalisa Portona!"

That announcement made everyone look at us. I kept my strong composure as I felt everyone's judging stare. I just faked a cute smile as we walk. We stopped on the center, I did a curtsy while father just bowed.

"Let the real party begin!"

With that, both of us scattered in the crowd. I didn't dare to look back and just blended in the greedy nobles, they would greet me and I would just show them a business smile before ignoring their existence.

Can't I just celebrate my birthday without it being this lavish? I mentally cursed at myself until I felt a poke on my shoulder. I squirmed uncomfortably and turned around, I widened my eyes when I saw gold.


I called out to the child that's standing before me with a smile on his face. He placed his hand on his chest before bowing. I just stared at him in shock. I never knew he'd actually show up in Annalisa's birthday party!

"May I have this dance?"

He questioned which snapped me out of my trace. He gave out his hand, I hesitated as I looked on his palm. I mentally sighed at myself before taking his hand. I forced a smile at him.


With that, the music started as if it was waiting for him to ask me for a dance. I almost assumed that they were being too obvious on mocking my discomfort with this male. He guided me to the center before we positioned ourselves.

He started the first step and I played along. We swayed around with our eyes locked with each other. I unconsciously pouted because of how big his effect was on me. His smile widened while his arm around my waist tightened.

I looked at him in surprise and tripped on my own foot. I felt myself being twirled around. I looked up and realized that Ijekiel saved me from embarrassing myself and enduring father's scolding afterwards.

"Thank you.." I whispered when our bodies collided again because of the rhythm.


He questioned which made me raise an eyebrow at him. He just smiled cunningly which made me narrow my eyes at him. Is he being sarcastic or what? I mentally sighed.


I faked a smile before he twirled me for the last time. We were about to part and do the ending of the dance, but he refused to let go of my hand and pulled it up to his lips. I widened my eyes in shock when I saw him planting a kiss on the back of my hand.

"I hope to dance with you again, Anna." He said with a wide smile across his lips which made me malfunction.





My cheeks flared.


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