Chapter 1

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Work was moving slow today

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Work was moving slow today. As the day was coming to an end I walked out to my car and saw 2 people in black waiting by my car. I got nerves.
"Hi can I help you?" I asked them. I instantly knew they were both vampires.

"Hi, I'm Felix, and this is Demetri. We are part of the vampire kings guard and they have been watching you for a while." He said.

"Uh did I do something bad or whatever?" I asked nervously.

"Oh no. They just want to meet you this coming weekend. Since you are a new vampire they like to meet them and make sure you understand the laws. Here's a plane ticket for you. Demetri will be the one picking you up at the air port."

"Oh okay. Thank you." I tell them.

I get home from work and I text Sam to come over. It wasn't long till he came in the front door. He noticed my pacing. It tends to happen when I'm nervous.
"Hey sis, I'm here what's going on."

"I was approached by two vampire guard members. The vampire kings or whatever want to meet me since I'm new and want to go over the rules of their kind. I have to go this weekend." I tell him.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if they kill you or something. I'm not there to protect you." Sam says getting worried now.

"Hey it will be okay. I promise."

"Okay. Okay. You're right."

I ended up making us dinner. We watched tv together most of the night until he went out for patrol.

The rest of the week flew by and I was getting nervous to meet the kings. But it had to be done. I packed a quick bag of clothes and small essentials. Sam drove me to the airport and stayed with me till take off.

The flight there was long and boring. Thankfully I had plenty of space and fell asleep. Soon the plane landed and I got off and walked to the pick up area. I soon see Demetri standing there. "Hey Demetri." I say.

"Hello Athena. Nice to see you again. Nice flight?" He asked.

"Long and boring." I laughed causing him to chuckle as well.

We soon approached the bell tour and headed inside of the castle. I grew more and more nervous not knowing what to expect. We got into the elevator and went down. I started getting scared but I kept working myself threw it. Finally we reached our floor and I followed Demetri into the throne room.

There were 3 men in black sitting there. As I looked at all of them in the eyes I felt something shift in me. That's weird. I oddly feel safe now.
"Hello dear. I'm Aro it is nice to meet you." Aro says.

"H-hi" I waved awkwardly. "Umm Felix and Demetri said you all wanted to meet me?" I say more like a question though.

"Yes dear. We wanted to meet you. We heard about you being a hybrid. And wanted to make sure you are not children of the moon" he says.
"Oh no. Definitely not a child of the moon. I can shift whenever I want. And to make you feel a little more comfortable we only attack if our people/tribe land is getting threatened. For me, I attack if a member of my pack gets threatened." I tell them.

"May I see what has happened?" He asks.

I get a little confused for a second.
"I can see/read your mind while holding your hand." He says.

I'm a little weirded out by that but oh well. I place my hand in his and feel my shield drop for him. I show him my entire life up until now. As he lets go I feel a surge of energy run throw me. I just copied his gift.
"Well it seems you are a copy cat" Aro says. "And it also seems that you my dear our mine and Marcus's soul niece and Caius is your soul father." Aro tells me.

I look over to see Caius's gaze soften at me a little bit. "Is that a good thing? I'm still getting used to this kind of life and what it involves" I say.

"Yes my dear. That means you have our protection. No harm will come to you, your twin, or your pack. Since you are not children of the moon I happily accept this bond. So if anything ever happens to you, that vampire will deal with me." Caius says.

"Wow. That's really nice. Thank you. I've never had a loving or protective father before so that really means a lot to me. Do I call you Caius? Sir? What do you prefer?" I ask.

He gets down off his throne and makes his way to me. "You can call me papa my child" he says and pulls me into a loving hug. I gladly accept it.

"I've never had this before either." I say hugging him tighter.

We spend a few more minutes like that until they proceeded to tell me about the vampires histories and laws. It was a lot to take in. I ended up meeting Jane and Alec. They were stand off ish at first but warmed up the longer I was there. Of course the motherly omega nature took effect with the vampires around.

I ended up staying till Sunday morning. I spent a lot of time with papa and met his wife Athenodora as well. She welcomed me with open arms and said I could call her whatever I was comfortable with. So I called her mom. They told me a little bit more about the bond and how it works in terms of protection. I was also told to not let anyone know I was their soul daughter/niece because I would have a target on my back. So Caius helped me with my shield to make sure my mind was protected.

Sadly it was time to head home. Caius drove me to the airport. He made sure to give me his number in case I ever needed him. "Athena if you need anything do not be afraid to call. Plus keep in touch. You will be missed dearly my princess."

"I'll miss you too papa. This weekend has been amazing and thank you for showing me a fathers love. You will never know how much it really means to me."

"Anytime Athena. Be careful and stay safe." He says giving me a final hug and kiss on the head.

Most people would think he is wicked or evil but he is just protective and strict on his ways. But that is fine by me. I finally get on the plane and head home.

After another long flight I get off and see my brother. "Sammy!!" I yell running up to him.

"Hi baby sister" he says holding me. "See you are alive so I'm guess it went well," he asked.

"Oh better than expected." I then proceeded to tell him about being protected under them and how the pack is too. He was shocked but glad to know I would be protected in several different ways.

We soon reached home and had dinner. I had to get to bed early because I had work in the morning. Gotta get back at it.

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