Chapter 69

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It is now Monday and I have to go back to work while the kids are at school

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It is now Monday and I have to go back to work while the kids are at school.  School is almost over for them and I am wanting to plan a trip with the kids.

As I got to work, I stopped as I walked through the doors since this is the first time back since Caleb attacked me. My breathing started getting faster and I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I was so deep into this PTSD episode I did not hear Sue come in. 

"Athena, look at me. You are safe. He's gone. It's okay just breathe." I hear sue say to me. I look over at her with tears in my eyes and fall into her more.

"It's okay Athena. I'm here. You are safe." She keeps repeating to me. After 15 more minutes I finally calm down and relax.

"I'm so sorry Sue." I tell her.

"Don't be. You've been through a lot. It's okay." She says.

Once I get calmed down some more I started to get ready for the day. It wasn't long until my mothers were coming in for check ups and even some kids. Around lunch time, someone came into the clinic asking for me. When I went up front I saw the gentleman that worked at one of the flower shops.

"Hello Dr.Uley, this is for you." He says handing me my favorite flower. A dark dragon rose.

After taking the flower, he then handed me a card that went with it

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After taking the flower, he then handed me a card that went with it.

"Mi Amor, today starts the day I try and win you back into my life. I know I messed up big time and it will take a while for you to trust me again but I hope this is a good place to start. I love you more than words can describe. I will do whatever it takes to get you back mi amor, if you will have me.

-love Carlisle"

I start to tear up after reading the note. I so badly just want to run over to him and forgive him like nothing happened but I can't. He needs to win me back and show me he will never do this to me or my kids again. After my lunch, I continued my day of working and doing check ups. As the day ended I saw I had a voice mail from Carlisle.

I decided to wait until everyone was out of the office to listen to it. After everyone left for the day, I locked up and sat in my office getting ready to listen to this message he left me. Here goes nothing.

"Hi Athena. I am not sure if you will listen to this or not but if you do then I hope it finds you well. If you are listening to this it also probably means you got your dragon rose today. I uhh, spent hours and hours trying to figure out how to even begin to earn your forgiveness so I thought I would start here. Anyways, uh, gosh I don't know why this is making me so nervous. But um, Athena I am so sorry for everything I did to you and how I hurt you. I never wanted to and didn't mean to. Like I said before I thought I was doing it to protect you but really it was out of fear for you and Jasmine. I plan on doing everything I can to win your heart back. This may come across desperate but I need you Athena. I need you so bad. You are my everything, my love, and my reason for existing. I won't keep you much longer but I hope this is a start to you forgiving me. I love you baby."

After the voice mail ends I have more tears running down my face. I pull myself together to head home, knowing that in fact that simple gesture and the voice mail has softened my heart some towards him.

(During the school day!)

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(During the school day!)

School is stupid. Jarebear doesn't have to go to school but I do and I hate it. So many stupid people to deal with uhg. The morning seemed to drag on but once lunch came it all changed.

While I was sitting eating my lunch, my teacher came up to me.
"Jasmine sweetie can you come with me for a second?" She asked. I started panicking thinking I was in trouble and did something wrong. So I nod my head and stand up shyly and follow her.

We got to her desk and she handed me a flower and a letter. I was confused for a second and then I opened the letter up.

"Dear Jasmine,
When you read this I hope it doesn't make you hate me more. I am so sorry I hurt you and your mommy. I thought I was protecting you. Anyways, I know how much you love flowers and wanted to send one to you as a start of earning your forgiveness. I love you princess. And I want you to know, that you were not the reason I left. I loved and still love you and your mother so much. I left for my own coward reasons of wanting to keep you safe. You my sweet girl are everything to me. I love how special you are with what you can do. I love everything about you Jasmine and never, ever, ever, think that you are the reason for what happened because you are not. I hope some day you can forgive me.

-love Carlisle"

When I was done reading the letter, I held it close to my chest and let out a small cry while holding my flower as well. I couldn't help but miss daddy even more now. I just wish what happened never happened and we were still a happy family. I know mommy is still hurt and misses daddy too but she is having a hard time going back to him. Maybe I can talk to Jackson about getting them together even though he doesn't like Carlisle. Maybe even uncle Sammy could help.

What to do? What to do?

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