Chapter 17

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Time skipIt has been another couple months around here of working, playing with Jasmine, and helping Emily feed the boys

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Time skip
It has been another couple months around here of working, playing with Jasmine, and helping Emily feed the boys.

We gained a new shifter as well. Paul Lahote. What a hot-head. He was not happy at first to find out about the supernatural world existing. However, he surprisingly took my being a hybrid better than the others. I think it helped that I did not smell like them or needed to live off blood fully to survive. I started to let go more of the leech comments. Since I am more wolf I just have grown to let them go. When Paul found out who my imprint was that was a different story, but eventually let it go as well.

Paul and I ended up growing close because I became the mother figure he never had. I helped him through his temper and other problems instead of just pushing them to the side and telling him to get over it. I would always sit down and let him talk. I also did not put up with his shit and wasn't afraid to give him a little bit of tough love to see what he was doing is not okay. My omega abilities kicked into full use with him. It took a lot to calm him down, and it took a lot of motherly love to soften him up too.

Things with Carlisle have been interesting. Ever since we marked each other, we have used it against one another at work. We would both subtly kiss the mark, or trace our fingers of it to drive the other one crazy. Carlisle has also become possessive lately because of a new male nurse named Caleb is always on my service. It never fails that anytime Caleb sees me, he always makes a flirty comment towards me.

Carlisle does not like it one bit. If he sees a male staff member looking at me, he is there staking his claim. I also have no room to talk but I lost my shit on a blonde bimbo during my break.

It was a long day of surgery and I was exhausted. I went to go find Carlisle.  As I walk to the ER where he was working I saw him working on some papers at the counter looking uncomfortable. I saw a blond nurse trying to talk with him, flirting and stroking his arm. I was so tired that it pissed me off faster than it should have.

So of course being the possessive petty hybrid that I am, I walk right up to Carlisle, grab his face and plant a big deep kiss on his lips. He pulls me close leaning into me more. As we pull apart I turn around and see the nurse standing there glaring at me.

"Oh sorry is there something you need other than needing to back off my man?" I say flatly. She shakes her head at me. "Good then run along and stop trying to flirt your way to get him." I say.

As I turn around I see him smirking at me.  "I thought you told me a while ago that you aren't jealous." He says.

"Oh and I thought you said the same thing, yet any time Caleb is around you do not even think twice about staking your claim again Cullen."

"Well played Uley." He says giving me a kiss.

Flashback over

Eventually the nurses and Caleb backed off a little bit but not much.

Another situation we have been trying to get under control is Jasmine's new fire ability.

We were all at the Cullen's and she was outside playing with the others. Emmett got to the bright idea of trying to scare her and when he did she screamed loudly. As she was screaming, she formed fire around him. The ended up leading Emmett into a screaming fit as well.

Of course the screaming worried me and when I looked out seeing what was happening I panicked until I heard Jasmine bust into giggles watching Emmett screaming.

Everyone else was trying to hold it together and not laugh at Emmett as well. I walked down to Jasmine and squatted down next to her. "Okay Jasmine, I think you tortured your big brother enough. I need you to focus on making the fire stop." I tell her.

After a couple attempts of trying, she was finally able to stop the fire and Emmett ran to the deck pouting. I walked up holding Jasmine on my hip. "Alright Emmett, what did we learn about today." I asked.

"Not to scare Jasmine or she will set you on fire." He says pouting.

"Are you going to do it again?" I ask.

"Probably but just be better prepared." He says. I smacked the back of his head.

"Ouch mom come on. You know how I am."

"Unfortunately I do baby bear."
Flashback over

Over the last couple of months, the kids have started calling me mom. I love it. Since I couldn't have my own kids, I was blessed to have 5 kids, a great friend in Esme and another brother in Klaus. I also had my two wolf sons and older brother as well. So I was beyond blessed with having a big family.

It is July and almost time for Jasmine's birthday. On top of that she will be starting pre-school and I am not ready to let me little girl go. As the next few weeks passed, it was now time for Jasmine's birthday. August 5th. My baby is now three years old. Emily planned a little party to have at her place and then we would be coming to the Cullen's.

I woke Jasmine up by signing to her happy birthday. She was giggling and so happy when waking up. I gave her, her gifts before we left for the busy day. I got her some more outfits to have and some toys to add to her collection in her room. I also got her some princess dresses to have when she wants to play dress up.

After getting her cleaned up we went over to Emily and Sam's place. She spent the morning and afternoon eating cake and playing with her toys that everyone got her. Jared got her a stuff wolf that looked like his and so did Paul. So now she has 4 that look like all of us. Sam and Emily got her a swing/slide set to put up by the house for her to play on. She was living her best life.

It was now time to go to the Cullen's while the boys were on patrol. I carried the birthday girl inside and when she saw everyone she jumped out of my arms to go and see them all. "There's the birthday girl. Happy birthday princess." Edward says.

"Tank you eddie" she says giggling.

Everyone gathered around to give her more gifts. By the end of the day she has crashed from a sugar high. Carlisle helped me clean all her gifts up and pack them into the car for when I go home tomorrow. Today was a good day. I sat down with him in his office and just took a breather.

"Are you ready for her to start pre-school in 2 weeks?" He asked me.

"No. Im not ready." I say softly.

"She will be okay. You know that sweetheart." He say assuringly.

"Yeah. I know. But she is my little girl you know?"

"I understand."

I ended up falling asleep against him so he moved me into his room where he now has a bed for me to sleep on. Alice and Rose transformed the spare room her and I were sharing into her own room since Carlisle and I completed the bond. I slept all night exhausted from running around with a three year old all day.

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