Chapter 15**

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Smut Warning!⚠️It has been almost 3 months now of Athena and I accepting our mate/imprint bond

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Smut Warning!⚠️
It has been almost 3 months now of Athena and I accepting our mate/imprint bond. Athena and I do not work this weekend so I convinced her to go on a getaway with me for a couple days.

She was worried at first about Jasmine, but I told her the kids could watch her or Sam and Emily. She finally agreed to go with me. I rented out a cabin in the woods far away from here and with nothing around. Just her and I. With busy work schedules we both need this.

It is now Friday and we are packing up our things to leave. Sam met us at my house to grab Jasmine.

"Sam are you sure about this? I can stay." Athena says panicking over leaving Jasmine.

"Sis, it will be fine. You need to go and get some time away okay?"

We say our goodbyes and I finally get Athena in the car and head off for our weekend getaway. After a very long drive, we reach our destination. It didn't take us long to unload everything. She decided to go ahead and shower so I took that time to set up the surprise candle lit dinner I had for her.

It was a warm evening outside so that's where I set it up. I heard her coming toward the back door where I was. As it slid open she saw everything.

"Aw, Carlisle" she whispers out covering her mouth with her hand in surprise.

"Come on mi amor dinner is served" I say grabbing her hand and helping her to the table.

We sat down and talked for a little bit about random things. Once she finishes eating, I cleaned up the table quickly. She was standing on the edge of the deck looking out on the lake view listening to the forest around us.

I walked up and wrapped my arms around her from behind, pulling her close. She relaxed into me and just took in the moment. I turned her around and placed her face gently in my hands. I started to stroke her cheek looking deep into her eyes.

"The day you ran into me in the hospital hallway was the best day of my life. I had been waiting for you for so long and there you finally were. So gorgeous, beautiful, and breath taking. Over these last three months have been nothing but amazing with you. You and Jasmine have brought such a joy into my life. Athena, I have fallen for you. The way you laugh when it's late at night and you're tired, how you curl into me during a scary movie wanting protection, the way you care for Jasmine and the kids, how your nose scrunches up cutely, the way your eyes light up when it's raining outside, the way you bite your lip when concentrate, your love and compassion for your job and so much more. But most importantly Athena, I love you. And I am in love with you." I tell her.

Tears start to pool in her eyes. She leans her head into my hand and closes her eyes. When she opens them she looks into mine again. "Carlisle when I imprinted on you I had a lingering buzz feeling. I had butterflies in my stomach and felt like a school girl having a crush. You have been so accepting of what I am, who I am, and of Jasmine. You've stepped up to be the father she needs and wants. I have fallen for you too. The way you protect your family, how series you take your job, the way you chuckle at the guys when they are being dumb, how you hold Jasmine when she wants to cuddle, the way you eyes light up when we walk into a room, your smile and more. Carlisle, I love you too. And I am in love with you." She says continuing to look into my eyes.

I lean in and begin to kiss her slowly. She kisses back with the same about of passion. I run us up to our room and place her on the bed. I lean back down and continue to kiss her. I pull back a little looking into her eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes mi querido" she says.

Smut Begins!⚠️
I lean back down and start kissing her again. I run my hands down her body, standing her up, and slowly start to undress her. She begins to unbutton my shirt and sliding it down my shoulder and off of me. It wasn't long until we were just in our underwear.

"You look so beautiful" I whisper in her ear as I slowly trace my finger down her spin causing her to shiver.

I begin to kiss her lips again and leave a trial of open mouth kisses to her jaw and neck. I hold her close to me as I find her sweet spot and begin to suck on it. She starts to let out quiet breathy moans. I unhook her bra and let it fall to our feet. As I keep kissing her neck, I move my hands down to massage her breasts. They fit perfectly into my hands. Fuck this woman's body is driving me insane.

I move her to the bed. I slip my finger under her waistband and begin to take off her panties. She lifts her hips to make it easier on for me to take them off. She leans forward and pulls down my boxers. As my hard member falls out her eyes go wide.

I lean down and capture her lips and kiss down to her breast giving them both attention. I then make my way down her beautifully toned stomach to her core. Her arousal scent sends me over board. I look her in the eyes as I spread her folds apart giving her pussy a long soft lick. She moans and throws her head back.

I keep slowly licking her making her squirm. "Carlisle please." She begs.

I then attach my lips to her clit and begin to eat her out. She's moaning more and puts her hands in my hair pushing me down more into her. I start to run two of my fingers up and down her core and slowly slide them in. Her back arches off the bed moaning more.

It wasn't long until I sent her into her first orgasm. Her body was shaking and her mouth was letting out those gorgeous moans and screams. As I pulled my fingers out of her, I place them in my mouth licking them clean.

I then line myself up at her entrance and look at her one more time. "You sure?"

"Yes please" she says

I lean down and support myself on my elbow that's beside her head. Slowly I begin to push into her and she is so tight. I feel a pressure release from her. I continue me slow thrusts in and out of her. She's winced a couple times so to distract her, I lean down and begin to kiss her. As I continue kissing her and keep thrusting into her. She starts moaning into my lips now letting me know it's now pleasure instead of pain.

After a little bit of thrusting into her I feel her clench around me. I move my hand between us and run circles against her clit to help build her orgasm. She's moan and screaming digging into my back. As we both get closer to climaxing we pull eachother closer. As our organ hits both of us bite into each other's neck marking our mate. No venom was passed to her since I was marking her as mine. Her canine teeth did not effect me either.
Smut ends!⚠️

As I pull out, I lay down next to her. I wrap my arms around her holding her close into my chest. "I love you Athena."

"I love you Carlisle."
She fell into a deep sleep and I held her close to me all night.

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