Chapter 13

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What have I done

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What have I done. I pushed my sister away. I hurt my imprint. My sister still won't talk to me. I'm scared to be around Emily. I just don't know what to do.
I should have never let Jared do that to my sister.

It's now been a week since the accident happened on Emily. She has forgiven me and we worked through our problems. That was a long discussion but we made it. She ended up staying in La Push longer and is at my house more now.

I still haven't been able to talk to Athena. But I miss her so much. I decided I'm gonna go see her. Emily talked me into going and talking with her.

On my way I stopped and got some lunch to take to her for her break. As I get there I ask the front desk lady to page my sister. It wasn't long until she was walking in. When she saw me she stopped. After a few seconds she motioned for me to follow her.

We reached her office and I followed her in.
"What are you doing here Sam?" She asked.

"I've missed my sister and came with a peace offering." I say.

"It's gonna take more than food for me to look by what happened Samuel." She says firmly.

Shit. Full name. I know I really messed up. "Yeah I figured so I hope it's a start. Plus I wanted to apologize for that night anyways. I shouldn't have let him do that." I say.

"Then why did you?" She asked.

"I guess since your wolf is more dominant I forget about your vampire side. It's in our blood for them to be enemies and I guess I just let that get the best of me. Jared was panicking because Jasmine was there and if anything were to happen, we couldn't be there. It was just a lot of unnecessary angry and over thinking that sent us over the edge. After you yelled at us and told us to leave I know I instantly messed up. We've never had a fight, I've always stuck by your side and for once I didn't. I instantly regretted it. I'm so sorry Athena." I say.

She just sits there looking at me. I'm nervous that it may be too late. "I understand where you are coming from but you need to have the faith in me that I will protect my daughter if something was going to happen. Plus the leech comments got to me more than I realized. Not just because my imprint and his family are vampires but because I'm half of one Sam. I didn't ask for that. I didn't ask to be attacked that night." She says.

"Yes I know. And I always forget because you don't have the blood lust so I don't consider you a vampire. Just Athena I miss you and I need my twin back. I feel lost without you sis. I miss my niece. I just miss my family." I say sadly.

She lets out a sigh. "Then stop being an ass Sam. Okay? I'm not asking you to like the Cullen's and be best friends with them. But I do ask that you at least support me on who my imprint is. Carlisle and I talked and we don't expect the treaty to change. He's fine with not being able to come over here since I'm over there. His family still doesn't want to change or kill anyone. So the treaty will remain the same. Just, if you want to hate on the vampires that's fine whatever. Just don't do it around me or about Carlisle." She says.

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