Chapter 53

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It is now March and the red head is still on the loose

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It is now March and the red head is still on the loose. Jasper and Rose typically stay over the the Cullen house and come to my house to visit. The pack has gotten along for the most part with them two.

It helps that they have helped trying to catch the red head. Caleb has been texting me lately wanting to have another date. I have been stand off ish since Jasper and Rose came back and told me more about Carlisle.

Caleb: please let me take you out tonight. I know you have been wanting to take it slow so how about the movies?

Athena: okay fine. It's a date to the movies

Caleb: thank you beautiful :)

After agreeing to the date, I got back to work checking on clients. Taylor came in today right before we closed for her check up.

"I haven't asked but are you comfortable with being at the house? I just want to make sure you are comfortable." I tell her.

"A, of course I am comfortable. You have done so much for me" she says.

"I just wanted to make sure." I said.

"You are definitely an omega A." She said laughing.

After I finished checking her, I locked up and headed home. When I got there Jasper and Rose had the kids from school.

"Hey can you guys watch them for a little bit tonight?" I asked them.

"Yeah of course mom." Jasper said.

"Everything okay?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. Caleb texted me and wants to go to the movies tonight so I caved and said yes." I say.

"Well hope you have fun. And mom it is okay to not have feelings for him and just hang out. You will just have to tell him you aren't ready for a relationship" Rose says.

I just nod my head and get ready. I texted Caleb that I would meet him there. Once I was dressed and ready, I spent some time with the kids before leaving.

"How was your day today at school kids?" I asked.

"Good. Other than math class." Jackson said.

"I'm sure we all can help you out if you need it" I told him.

"What about you Jasmine?" I asked.

"It was good. This boy in my class kept picking on me so I took Jared's advice and pushed him down the slide after pulling my hair." She says casually.

I look at her stunned. Jasper and Rose chuckle and I try hard not to laugh. "Jasmine it is not nice to push people even when they are mean to you. You can go to your teacher and tell them." I tell her.

"Yeah I know, but he kept doing it so I just gave him a shove. He wasn't hurt." She said. I just shake my head at her. She is going to be the death of me as a teenager.

I looked at the time and saw I needed to leave and meet up with Caleb. "Alright kids. I love you, be good for Rose, Jasper and Taylor for me okay?" I say hugging and kissing both of them.

I jumped in my truck and took off toward the movie theaters. When I get there I see Caleb outside waiting already with the tickets.

"Hey there you are." He says kissing my cheek.

"Hi, sorry if I am late." I say.

"No you are just in time. Let's go get some snacks." He says.

As we were in line I saw Jacob with Bella and some other guy. Oh great. Just can't get away from this bitch. I also notice Jacob has grown and filled out more. He is going to shift soon.

Caleb got us a popcorn, candy and a soda for each of us. We were seeing the new Iron Man movie. I was excited for this. As the movie started, I start snacking on my popcorn. During the movie, Caleb put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I was a little uncomfortable because I have never cuddled with anyone other than the kids or Carlisle.

I just sat there anyways and eventually got comfortable. When the movie ended we were walking out and I heard yelling happening. I was confused until I saw it was Bella and Jacob.

"What so I can't hold you hand or something?" He asked her.

"I just think it means something more to you than it does me Jake." Bella says.

I look closer and see him starting to shake. Well fuck. Some other guy comes out and he looks rough. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying all I was paying attention to were the signs of him shifting. I finally snapped out and heard Bella said something about him being really hot.

Jacob ended up running out the doors and I went after him. "Caleb I am sorry but he is kinda like family so I am taking him home. I will text you later." I told him quickly going back towards Jacob.

"Jacob wait." I say.

"WHAT!" He yells.

"Let me give you a ride home okay?" I say.

"Yeah. Uh thanks Athena."

As we get in the truck I text Sam telling him what is happening. Jacob is shaking more and getting more pissed the closer I get to his house.

"What is happening to me." He says.

"You will understand soon Jacob." I say.

I pulled into Billy's drive way and slam on my brakes. Jacob jumps out and sees the guys here.

"What the fuck do you drug users want?!" He yells.

"Jacob we are here to help you." Sam says.

"I don't need or want your help Sam!" He says

Before we know it Jacob is on the ground screaming and you can hear his bones breaking into his shift. Soon his clothes rip and he is standing on all fours. We all shift with him and connect to him.

"Jacob you need to think of yourself back as a human." Sam and I say together.

After 13 minutes he finally shifts back. The elders were here by now, so we went inside and told him everything about the tribe. We tell him about the treaty, how Jasper and Rose are back and only allowed at my house, imprinting, and what I am. That did not go very well.

"I cannot believe you and those other leeches are allowed on this land. You freak." Jacob yells at me.

I get pissed and my omega powers come out. "Sit. Your. Ass. Down. Now. Jacob." I say and of course he does bowing his head.

"I did not ask for this. None of us did. We all thought these legends were just stories. I especially did not ask to be a hybrid yet I am. I did not ask to be imprinted to a vampire. Yet I am. So just because you are pissed at the world and mainly Bella for not feeling the same about you, does not give you the right to insult everyone around you. Especially me. I will not tolerate your shit so you better watch yourself. I do not care if your father used to be chief or your grandfather. I don't give a rats ass that my brother is staying in the alpha role. I will go above him and beat your ass so hard and so fast. Do. Not. Tempt. Me. Boy."

With that I walk out pissed. If only I knew what was about to come, that ass whooping would be coming faster than I realized.

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