Chapter 4

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I watch Jasmine run around her room looking at everything

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I watch Jasmine run around her room looking at everything. "How do you like your room princess?"

"I ove it" she says with a giggle.

"Well little miss, let's get you cleaned up, in a fresh diaper, warm pj's and off to bed. I will even read a bed time story."

I take her into the bathroom and start the water. I put in some soap for bubbles and a few bath time toys. I went and grab Jasmine. I helped her take her clothes off and saw all her bruises again. I started to tear up. How could someone do this to an innocent child.
"Baby do they hurt?" I ask softly.

"Only a little bit mama." She says as I help her in to tub.

She started playing with her toys while I washed her body. "Okay baby I gotta wash your hair now. Can you lean your head back please." I made sure to make it quick because she will get distracted fast.

Once she's all clean, I drain the water and help her out wrapping a towel around her. I put her in a fresh diaper and some warm pj's. I laid her in her bed and she snuggled in to her blankets with one of her stuffed animal wolves.

After she was comfortable I grabbed a book and stated reading it to her. It wasn't long until she was fast asleep. I made sure to leave on her night light for her, and some soft music. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and grabbed the other baby monitor to have with me in case she woke up.

I closed the door behind me and headed up front and saw Sam at the island bar. "How is she?" He asked.

"Oh she's passed out. She played pretty hard before I made her take a bath. It broke my heart seeing all those bruises on her."

"I know I'm so sorry." He says while looking over to see the folder I brought home. "What's that?" He asked.

"Her DNA results and a list of her family blood line. I was actually getting ready to look at it." I say grabbing some water from the fridge.

We sit down and spread the papers out. Her full name is Jasmine Ann Whitlock. But now has Uley added to it since she adopted now. As I am looking through her blood line, it goes all the way back to the 1800's. I see that she is related to the famous Jasper Whitlock, the youngest major in the confederate army.

"Sam look at this. She's a Whitlock, related to the youngest major ever known. And look at this small picture. She even looks like him with the green eyes and blonde and wavy hair." I say.

"Dang, yes they do look alike. Wow that's kind of neat though." He says.

I kept reading and decided to do some research of my own. Huh. That's interesting, it seems like some of her ancestors believed in witch powers. I got back to thinking of he full report from saving her from the house. The firemen could not find the source that caused the fire. Could she have witch magic and that's what I was feeling?

"Sam let me ask you something. Since vampires and shapeshifters are real, do you think witches are too?" I asked.

"Well it only makes sense. Why?"

"So first, today at the hospital while I was with Jasmine, I got this magic kind of feeling from her. Looking into more of her ancestors, it shows they believed and were involved with witch magic. On top of that, I got the full report from the police when getting Jasmine out of there, and the firemen could not find the source that caused the house to burn. Could it be possible that she is a witch and maybe her powers came out as a defensive mechanism?" I asked.

"That is a possible yes. Maybe we can keep an eye on her and if they start to show, we can tell her it's okay and help her through it." My brother says.

"Yeah that is totally fine, until she gets old enough to realize her powers killed her parents. How will we have that discussion?" I ask him getting worried.

"I'm not sure but when the time comes, both you and I will be here to help her through it and make sure she doesn't feel like a monster." He says.

I just nod my head. "How have things been with Leah?" I asked. He just sighs.

"Honestly not good. She keeps trying to reach out to me and I feel terrible." He says.

"Bub, she wasn't you imprint. When you went to end things you looked her in the eyes and that bond wasn't there. I know it sucks but you did the right thing in the end." I say wrapping him up in a hug.

"Yeah I know. I just hate hurting her you know?" He says.

"Yes I do know. Now it's getting late so you should go to bed. I have work tomorrow around 10am so why don't you come over in the morning and meet her. If she takes a liking would you like to spend the day with your niece?" I ask.

"Yes of course I would!" He says.

"Alright then go home and rest up." I say.

"Goodnight sis."

"Goodnight bub"

After he left I went and took a shower. I kept thinking about Jasmines blood line and the possibility of her really being a witch. It wouldn't bother me at all considering I'm half and half. I would help her in anyway that I could.

I want her to have a wonderful life and I will do whatever I can to help her. I also need to inform papa and mom about what I have done considering the world I have brought her into. I just want her to be happy.

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