Chapter 62

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As soon as I woke up, I instantly grabbed my keys and drove to the Cullen house where Jasper and Rose were

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As soon as I woke up, I instantly grabbed my keys and drove to the Cullen house where Jasper and Rose were. When I got there I ran in as quick as I could.

I still had tears pouring down my face. When I get inside Rose and Jasper saw me looking distraught.

"Mom what's wrong?" Jasper asked.

I started to hyperventilate.

Jasper ran over to me and tried to help manipulate my emotions to calm me down. After 10 minutes it finally worked and I just sat there staring blankly at the wall.
Rose and Jasper kept looking at me concerned.

"I had a dream Carlisle was back. He was laying in my bed with me and it felt so damn real." I whisper out as more tears ran down my cheeks.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Rose asked.

"I don't know what's going on but I think you both may be right about something going on that we don't know about. When I was awake in my dream talking to him, he kept apologizing and telling me how much he loved me and was sorry for leaving but Edward threatened me and Jasmine. He acknowledged I didn't need protecting but couldn't get over possibly being the reason her or I get hurt. He also kept talking about how Alice is being more weird than normal as well but didn't give me full details." I said.

Rose looked over at me conflicted. "I was just texting Emmett and he said Carlisle was in his room sobbing and kept repeating "I'm so sorry Athena" he also mentioned the Alice was acting weird too. That both him and Carlisle are miserable without us yet she seems fine without Jasper and well Jasper seems fine without Alice. So are they really mates? And what's going on behind the scenes that we don't know about?" Rose states.

I look over at them. "Is it possible that Carlisle and I were just actually connected and don't realize it? Does that sound crazy?" I ask them.

"I've heard before that if mates are separated and could be in danger that could warn the other through their bond without actually talking." Jasper says.

"I've heard that too but it's rare and hardly happens." Rose says.

"Yeah maybe it's rare because it's even more rare for mates to be split apart. I can start looking into things and see what I can find out." Jasper says.

I leaned back on the couch and ended up blanking out again. I couldn't get that dream out of my head. I didn't even realize tears started falling down my face again. I was completely out of reality thinking about Carlisle.

"I miss you so much Carlisle" I say. I don't even see the two other vampires staring at me worried for me.

I've been so pissed at Athena lately for what she has done to Jacob

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I've been so pissed at Athena lately for what she has done to Jacob. On top of that my fucking sister is back. I hated her so much but right now I hated Athena more and was out for revenge. So I messaged Caleb to meet me.

"Hey thanks for meeting up with me" I say.

"Yeah of course. What's going on?" He asked.

"How's things with Athena?" I asked.

"Not happening anymore. She didn't want to be in a relationship." He says.

I just nod my head. "Wanna get some revenge with me?" I asked.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked.

"She hurt on of my best friends. She's just being a bitch and won't even hear him out. I'm tired of her thinking she can get her way with everything. So I want you to go to her office and attack her. Give her a taste of her own medicine for hurting my friend. Do whatever you want to her. I don't care. I just want her to pay. Also I told you about the vampires but there are shapeshifters too. She is a hybrid so you will have to think of ways to get her weak." I tell him.

He looks at me with eye brows raised.
"When do I need to do it? And what do I get out of it?" He asked.

"Early in the morning. No one is there with her before 8am. You'll get to have your way with me, and depending on what you do to her, you can have your way with her." I say.

"Okay deal. Let's get going because I'll need all day and night for what I have planned." He says with a smirk.

I smile and jump on him getting ready to be fucked like never before!

I just wanted Athena and not sex with Bella but hey sex is sex right?? Anything to get a fix

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I just wanted Athena and not sex with Bella but hey sex is sex right?? Anything to get a fix. Bella wasn't the greatest at sex. She just wanted to lay on her back and no do any work but today I decided to do something different to help me get my fix a little better.

When I laid Bella down, I pulled my phone out and had a picture of Athena on there and started thinking about her and how she would feel around me. The closer I got the more I wanted Athena. Tomorrow I will get what I want and have my way with her. Then Athena will see I'm the better man to be with and chose me instead of that fucking Cullen.

I don't even worry about foreplay with Bella because having my mouth down there disgusted me some because she smelt different so she probably tasted different too. I just suffered through and was about to cum. As I was getting ready to bust my load I picked up my pace.

Out of no where Bella moans out "Edward" "oh Jacob" so I decided to moan over my dream girl.

"Oh fuck Athena. Shit baby" I say and place three last hard thrusts and busted my load inside of Bella. I didn't even let Bella finish because she offered herself to me to get me to do what I want so I only cared about myself and not her. When I pulled out Bella looked at me.

"You didn't let me finish." She says.

"Yeah well I got my fix and that's all I care about. I have plans for tomorrow so I gotta go. Bye." I say and walk out planning on how to get Athena back.

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