Chapter 19

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Time skip to beginning of DecemberOver the last 3 to 4 months life has been amazing

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Time skip to beginning of December
Over the last 3 to 4 months life has been amazing. Athena and I are closer than ever. I have fallen deeper in love with her. I didn't think that was possible. But she keeps proving me wrong every time she makes me fall for her.

Jasmine is doing wonderful in school. She is loving it. She will always come home and tell us about her day and everything she did. The kids are doing well at Forks high school. They are all controlling their blood lust very well and I am proud of them. They are keeping their distance from everyone else to make it easier on not forming attachments or risking a slip up. Rose always comes home ranting about some girl named Jessica Stanley who has tried making moves on all the guys and can't stop talking about them.

Aside from school drama, Athena has done well in splitting her and Jasmine's time up between us and the wolves. According the Athena, they have been better about watching their comments towards us. But if they are speaking of nomads that pass through time to time, then that is a diffent story.

Here lately I have done nothing but think about marrying this girl. I think about how much I want to make her my wife and spend eternity with her. She has made this place feel more like home. Everyone seems happier when she is around. She mothers them all, and they all are now calling her mom. I have been debating on this for a while, but I want to talk to Sam to get his permission to marry his sister. I know Sam means a lot to her since he always protected her against their father.

I had the day off today and Athena was in surgeries most of the day so I called Sam. (Sam, Carlisle)

"Hi Sam. It's Carlisle. Athena is busy all day so can you maybe meet me at the treaty line? I have something to discuss with you." I say.

"I'll meet you there in 5 minutes." He says and hangs up.

I started to get nervous about asking him but I want this so bad. I get enough courage and head to the line and see Sam standing there.
"Hey, thank you for meeting me so last minute. Umm there is something I want to discuss with you. Athena is the world to me. Jasmine is the other light of my life. Yes I know I have the other kids, but Athena and Jasmine bring out a different type of love for them. Athena is beautiful, brave, kind, caring, compassionate, and so many more things that I could keep on listing. When she came into my life, it has made me so much more happier than I was before. She opened up to me about her past and how you were always the one person there for her. You mean so much to her too. So, that is why I asked you here to talk and ask for your permission to marry your sister." I say.

The tension is thick between us right now. If I wasn't already dead, I think I would fall over dead waiting for his answer.
"My sister is everything to me Carlisle. I need you to promise me, that if you all get married and ever move, she still gets to come back and visit me and the pack." He says.

"Sam I would never take your sister away from you. That was one topic she was set in stone about and I respect that because I would be the same way with my sister Esme if she ever left." I tell him.

"Then yes you have my permission to marry my sister. When are you going to do it?" He asked. 

"Hopefully around Christmas time. She said you all were spending Christmas day together,  so she would be over here for Christmas Eve.  So maybe then?" I say.

"That is fine, I just ask that I get to be there somewhere in the background to see my little sister get engaged."

"I am perfectly fine with that. I know she would want you there. I am going to have my other daughter Alice help plan the engagement and then I will send you the details once it is done."  I say.

"Sounds like a plan. You better take care of her Carlisle."

"I promise." I say.

We end our meeting and I head back to the house. I get ready and go pick up Jasmine from school and bring her home. By the time I get home, the other kids are already there. Jasmine goes and plays with Rose. I grab Alice before she goes inside.

"Everything okay?"she asked.

"I need help planning an engagement set up for Christmas Eve." I tell her. 

She starts to squeal and hugs me. As I walk in I see the others smiling at me. "So you're finally going to ask her huh?" Edward says.

"Yes I am. I just talked to Sam today for permission and he asked to be there to see it. Of course I said he could be here since it is his little sister. I also want to do a small proposal to Jasmine to permanently be her father. " I tell them

"I have the perfect idea for you for that." Alice says.

Of course her seeing the future she probably has this all planned already. As the evening goes on, Jasmine comes with me in the office.
"Daddy,  why are you a doctor like mama?" She asked.

I pick her up and carry her to the couch. "Well like your mama, I loved helping people feel better when they are sick or don't feel good. Just like I did with when you got sick. I loved you so much and cared so much about you I wanted to do whatever I could to make you feel better again. That's why I am a doctor." I say.

"I wanna be like you and mama." She says curling up into me. 

"Jasmine, you be whatever you want to be. You do not have to me like me or your mother. You can do anything you set your mind to princess."

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