Chapter 56

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I decided to just go home after being with Athena and Jasmine

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I decided to just go home after being with Athena and Jasmine. I cannot believe I imprinted on her but I am so glad I did.

That little girl deserves the world and I will do everything I can to protect her and be the thing she needs. When she is of age I will talk with Athena about moving it out of the friend stage, but until then, I will wait for her.

I went to bed that night happy and relaxed for the first time in a while. The next morning I knew I had to tell Sam. I got up and got ready for the day and headed over to his house. When I got there everyone but Jacob was there.

Great, this will be easier than I thought. "Morning guys." I say and get a bunch of mornings back in responses.

I didn't even realize I was smiling and just relaxed until Emily handed me my food.
"Thank you." I say to her.

As I sit down everyone continues to eat but keeps looking at me. I look up and see them and raise an eyebrow.
"What?" I ask. Before anyone can respond, I hear a car pull up and little feet running into the house.

"JARJAR" Jasmine yells running over to me. I smile at her and move my chair so she can climb up into my lap. She latches her arms around my neck and snuggles close. I kiss the top of her head and my wolf purrs in satisfaction knowing my imprint is save and happy.

"Hi princess. Did you sleep okay last night? Any nightmares?" I asked. She giggled at me and shook her head no and continued snuggling into me.

I chuckle at her adorableness and look up and see everyone looking at me shocked again.

"What?" I ask again.

Once again before they can respond Jacob walks in and Jasmine starts shaking a little bit so I wrap my arm around her protectively.

"Why are you holding my imprint?" Jacob says growling.

"She is not your imprint anymore. Athena broke that bond." I say to him.

"No she is my imprint." He argues.

Out of no where Jasmine sits up and looks at Jacob. "I am not your imprint bitch. I'm Jared's." She says with pride.

Everyone was trying to hold in their laughs from her saying bitch and Athena looked ready to fall over dead.

"Yeah fucker that's what you get." Jackson then says.

"Kids what have I told you about those words?" Athena scolds.

"Sorry mommy" they say.

Athena then looks at Paul and whispers only loud enough for us to hear "Paul Lahote, you better control what you say around my kids. This is your doing." She says growling at us.

"Sorry momma" he says groaning knowing he is in trouble.

"Anyways Jacob, Jasmine is not your imprint anymore. After what you did a few days ago I broke the bond immediately. Yesterday I finally got her talking. About half way through the day, she wanted Jared so he came over and that is when he imprinted on her. At least I know he will take care of her. You on the other hand need to get over yourself and move on. You told me yourself you didn't want this so I helped make it possible." Athena says slightly using her omega voice.

He storms out of the house acting like a child. Sam then looks over at me "you better not hurt her." He says.

"Sam you know I won't. She my everything and I will be anything for her. You know this." I say.

"I know but I just had to say it as her uncle." He says.

I nod my head and finish eating. Jasmine would steal some fruit off of my plate thinking I wouldn't notice.

"You gonna steal the rest of my fruit now?" I asked her. She looked up at me and blushed while giggling. I started tickling her side and she jumped out of my lap and took off running.

I then chased after her and she was squealing having fun. As I was getting ready to get her, Jackson joined in the fun and "attacked" me by jumping on me. So to play along, I fell on the ground which ended up with them both laying on top of me claiming victory.

I watched the kids play with Jared and how he even included Jackson

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I watched the kids play with Jared and how he even included Jackson. While they were running around and I was watching, Sam came over and put his arm around me.

"You know, I am glad Jared is her second chance." He says.

"Yeah me too. She deserves it. Do uh, do you think if I were to have Carlisle reject me or I reject him I could get a second chance?" I asked shyly.

He looks over at me with sad eyes. "Is that was you want?" He asked.

"What I want is someone to love me and choose me. I want love, happiness, silly moments, and everything else. I just..I want someone to love me Sam." I whisper out and have a few tears run down my cheeks. "Don't get me wrong, Caleb is nice and all but he isn't it for me." I say leaning into Sam.

He lets out a sign and pulls me closer to him. "I am sorry sis. I wish I could do something for you. But know I am always here for you." He says.

"I know. Thank you for that." I say and watch the kids lay on top of Jared giggling and having fun. Sam walks back inside to be with Emily.

"They are going to be good together" I say to myself looking at their smiling faces.

I just hope one day I could get that again and if I can't, well then I guess it was never in the cards for me to have someone special in my life.
However, seeing my kids happy, I think I can get along just fine.

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